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AN: Again I want to thank everyone for the support. This chapter is a a bit steamy but I hope it's alright. Let me know what you think!!

Chapter 5

Bella blushed at the declaration and unbuckled her seatbelt to avoid looking at Rosalie.

Before she realized it, Rosalie was at the passenger side opening the door for her,

"You didn't have to do that, Rose..."

Rosalie beamed at the nickname, "Oh but I wanted to."

Instantly Bella felt all eyes on her and the goddess next to her. Bella looked at Rosalie to watch her reaction to the attention and saw her glaring icily at the ogling eyes. She pulled Bella close to her and put her arm around her waist. Bella was stunned by the PDA but said nothing.

She noticed she fit perfectly under Rosalie's arm and would never admit it but she leaned into her to get closer.

Rosalie felt this and smiled gently down at her.

"I took the liberty of getting your schedule ,so I'll show you to your first class."

Rosalie guided Bella by the hand towards the direction of her first class, which apparently was calculus. Oh the joy.

Once they arrived at the class door, Rosalie moved so Bella was facing her,

"My first class is history but why don't you come see me at lunch? I'll introduce you to my siblings. Alice has been dying to meet you."

Bella nodded as Rosalie bent forward and kissed her forehead before turning and heading towards her own class.

As if coming out of a daze, Bella blushed and walked briskly into the class.

"You must be Bella,I'm Mrs Manning. Take a seat next to Jessica,she can help you catch up."

Bella went to where the teacher pointed,next to the girl named Jessica.

She was instantly hesitant as Jessica was aiming a fake smile at her.

"You must be Bella,I'm Jessica Stanley but you already know that."

"Uh yeah. Thanks for helping me catch up, I suck at calculus."

"No problem. Now tell me, is it true that you're banging the Bitch Queen Cullen?"

She looked at Bella's if honestly expecting Bella to answer.

Bella sputtered, "I'm not banging anyone!"

Jessica smirked, "Not from what we saw in the car park. The Cullens avoid us all like the plaque but yet you're not even here two days and you're in the Queen Bitch's panties. Tell me, what's the secret? Does your dad know you're a little slut?"

Bella's eyes burned from tears and her cheeks flushed in humiliation,

"I'm not a slut."

"Yeah right." Jessica sneered and went back to her work.

Bella got up on shaky legs and asked Mrs Manning for a bathroom pass which she gave. Bella had no idea where the bathroom was but she had to get away from from the vile girl.

As she was walking, she saw the bathroom sign and rushed into the girls one, found a cubicle and locked herself in.

She was shaking with sobs. As if this morning wasn't a rollercoaster of emotions,this went and happened.

Up until Rosalie appeared, Bella had no idea she was gay.

"Sweetheart,open the door for me please."

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