Chapter 14 **

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Things to know;;

(Y.n) ~ Your name

(F.c) ~ Favorite color

(N.n) ~ Nick name

Dave's POV

I sighed.

('We almost kissed...')

That what I have been thinking for the past couple of minutes.


There were multiple times that happened.

('She's perfect')

I ran my hand through my hair.

('I really like her...')

I looked at the great couple. Tatiana and Mike...

('I'm jealous. My brother got a girl before I did..')

I shrugged and finished cleaning the flour mess.

Tatianas POV

('Oh my fucking god! I ruined their perfect moment!! Oh god... No..')

I rushed after (y.n), hoping to talk to her.

She was on the bed covering her face. She seemed embarrassed.

Your POV

"Hey girl." Tati spoke to me

I lifted my head and watched her lock the door.

"I'm sorry for ruining that moment.." She explained sitting next to me.

"No its fine..." I started, "there was like a pull.. And it scared me. I've been running away from the pull for awhile. Tati I don't know what that is.."

(A.n (Y.n) or you, are not stupid on this stuff.. You had a bad past and never experienced this before so your scared.)

"Oh, hun.." Tati hugged me tightly, "that pull is a good thing. I say, next time. Allow the pull to.. Uh, pull you."

"How come I've never felt it with my ex?" I asked lightly.

"He was a bad person. And abusive.. Dave isn't like that." Tati explained.

"Should I go out there and hug him.. Act normal?" I asked.

Tati nodded and hugged me again.

"Let's go boo" tati said taking my hand and dragging me outside the room.

I giggled and looked up to see Mike talking with Dave.

I smiled and let go of Tati's hand. We shared a knowing glance and snuck up behind our dates. We both put our finger to our mouths to make the other stay quiet.

We nodded and jumped on their backs at the same time. I covered Dave's eyes.

"Guess who~" I said in his ear. He shivered and held onto my legs to keep me up.

"Santa clause? You came for me?" Dave chuckled.

I laughed lightly and moved my hands to around his neck. He walked to the kitchen as I grabbed bacon and ate some. Also eating a pancake.

"No, silly.. Its me." I said out loud. Then eating my food.

Teasing Dave with bacon in front of his face. I laughed. His hands were holding me up so he didn't let go.

"Can I have the bacon?" He begged, "Please."

I laughed lightly and stuck the bacon in his mouth.

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