Chapter 2 **

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Things to know;;

(Y.n) ~ Your name

(F.c) ~ Favorite color

(N.n) ~ Nick name

(F.f) ~ Favorite food

(F.d) ~ Favorite drink

(F.b) ~ favorite buffet

(R.h.m) ~ Random horror movie

Italics are thoughts

Your POV

Dave and I were at the bar talking about random things.

Dave imitated someone and I looked at him in awe.

"That was really cool!" I said in awe.

"Ah its nothing..." He said, waving his hand, "Can I see some of your pictures?"

I nodded and pulled out my phone, showing him sunsets and mountains.

"Wow.." He said in awe, "So beautiful.."

I blushed, "Thanks.."

"Here, I'll show you my drawings." Dave said, taking out a tablet.

He opened it, "Oh shit not that."

I giggled as he swiped the photo away.

"So they're like the avengers but they're different types of alcohol, see tequila and his pet worm.." Dave said showing me pictures.

After looking at drawings

I handed Dave his tablet when my phone rang.

"Just a minute." I said walking away and answering my phone.

"Hello? Is this (Y.n)?" The person asked.

"Uh yeah,  why?" I said

"I'm calling concerning your ex boyfriend...-" I cut him off.

"Nope don't call again! Bye!" I yelled in the phone and hung up.

For some reason I started to tear up and Tatiana ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked

"I don't know why I'm crying..." I started, "its not my period, that just ended a week ago.."

"Are you sad then hun?" She asked me quietly.

"I-i guess you could say so..." I spoke and shrugged it off.

"Are you okay?" Dave asked coming up to me.

I broke the hug and forced on a smile, "Yeah.. Just fine."

I wiped my face quickly.

"Hey girls, wanna go at a hot dog stand to eat?" Mike asked, walking up to us.

I nodded, silently thanking him for saving me.

"Yes please! I'm fucking hungry." Tatiana said loudly and I just giggled.

I looked at Dave quickly to see he was smiling and looking down. He lifted his head up and smiled wider, making me grin.

"So where is that hot dog stand, Mike?" Tati asked and started to walk out of the bar.

"Follow me" he bowed and grabbed her hand. I trailed behind the three and just thought about who called me and why.

I looked up and saw Dave glancing at me once and a while, I just looked back down and followed the wave of Tatiana's dress.

A minute later Dave slowed down and walked next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Hm.. Oh its nothing." I said smiling at him, "Just thinking that's all."

After a while of walking, we made it to the hot dog stand.

"So are you seeing anyone?" Dave asked me.

I looked at him confused, "No, I thankfully broke it off with my ex.."

"Oh.. Sorry about that." He stated.

"That's okay - FOOD!" I raced to Tatiana and pulled her from Mike to the hotdog stand.

"Two hotdogs please." Tatiana asked the man working.

"No problem." He replied, his voice sounded familiar.

We got the hot dogs and walked to the curb and stated eating.

"What now?" I asked Tatiana

"Just keep making sexy eyes." She stated and looked at Mike while doing sexy eyes.

I looked at Dave to see him looking at me. I winked, smiling before turning to Tatiana.

"Girl! You got Dave to be flustered.. What the fuck you do?" She asked me and hits me playfully on the shoulder.

"All I did was a wink, a smile, and just turned to you..." I said, taking a glance at Dave.

Dave's POV

"All we need to do is keep this going and they can be our dates!" Mike excitedly said.

"Yeah.. I really like (y.n). She's sweet, caring, a bit flirty, funny, smart.." I said counting on my fingers.

"We invite these girls to the wedding, suddenly we are not losers. We are winners!" Mike explained, ignoring me.

Mike nudged me and we walked to the girls.

Your POV

I saw the boys come this way.

"What do we do?" I ask her in a hushed whisper.

"Play cool, follow my lead." Tati explained and we turned to the boys.

To be continued

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