Chapter two 💓

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What the fuck do you want now he asks with a glare 

I think I will take my car you take yours

Whatever he turns around quickly

Come on don't get any at me am your twin and only sister I say giving him a hug

He hugs back I am not angry  . Now let's go

We both get our cars it is the same type but has deferent colour strip we both love black so we both love black but it can't be the same right?

Our parents don't want us liking black so much it creeps them out if they were to find out the real truth they would die so wonderful we ☠️

Today Michael wore all black as usual not me mom says I am a girl and college is a new start for a girl . So she bought me a pink skirt and a yellow top

Michael got there five minutes before me He was waiting for me at the entrance so he will help me with my stuff . Since we were to share an apartment I declined it cause I want to manage my schedule well

Wow this place is huge I say looking around

Yeah whatever come let's find your droom Michael says angrily 😡

Why are you upset did I do something wrong ?

Can't you fucking see we were supposed to live in an apartment together but you won't and make deferent decisions as always . you expect me to live in a big apartment by my own fucking self   he says looking atne as if he wants to murder me


No don't talk

I talk any way, I am really sorry after I get used to this place I will come and stay with you  I am sure by the time I am I won't be the only girl that step foot there I say and winck at him 😘

Shut up and let's go he orders

As we were in our way to my new room some group of girls try to catch his attention but he as always ignores them .how dose he get so much attention not that I don't get but I don't want it any more

We are here Michael says We enter and it completely elegant it has like a mini kitchen and living room well wouldn't say room and two rooms yay

I enter the room on the left luckily it has not been occurring after moving my bags and things inside ,I thank Michael and he leaves. It takes two hours in setting my room .

Right after that I hear a knock on my door There is cruvy bien skinned girl standing in front of need with a huge smile on her face . Don't take me wrong but I don't like people who smile too much .

Hi new droom mate am Jo-ann she says still smiling 😊

Hello Jo-ann am Mikhail

So Mikhail are you done with your room ?

Yes I have finished .

Great let me show you around .So where is the guy a saw you with

He is gone to his apartment I say still hold my smile

Is he you boyfriend?

No he is twin brother

Oh good I though you guys looked alike , so is he dating

I am starting to not like her so I force a smile and reply No .

Okay I see her smile widening  . Now let's go she says literally dragging me to the door she is full of energy .

After what seems like forever , we are done she will introduce me to her friends next On our way to the cafe someone calls my name from behind

Hello babe the deep voice says

Oh no it can't be no no no it is Jason what is he doing here

Hey babe miss me

Hello all my lovely readers .

Who is Jason to Mikhail

Find out in the next chapter I can't promise it will come so early as this one but don't worry it won't also be late
Don't forget to
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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