I'm Back

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I walked back in, going through the same halls I just passed by a few minutes ago. I turned the last conrner and saw the door that I'm looking for. The light was still green so I can enter.
I held my chest as I felt like glaring at the door. With one final sigh, I entered. The room was silent, very silent behind the room Katsuki is in. I slowly walked towards the glass window. There he is, on his knees, being still and breathing. His mouth was covered with the same thing for rabid dogs but two times stronherI assume it's to keep him silent in the night. I could see him panting slowly as his head was hung low.

He is tired, this could probably make it easier for me to talk to him. I gulped as I made my way to the door, my hand shaking to reach and turn it. I am scared since I am alone here but I really miss him. He must come back and I will make sure he will. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on calming things and cure stuff until I relaxed. With my body not stiff anymore and heart beating normally, I tuemrned the knob. Opening the door, it made a low creak in the big room. I closed it and locked it as I leaned against it for a while. Staring at him, being calm like that, I felt relieved that he didn't suddenly start another struggle but I doubt that he'd last long in one right now. I began to make my way towards him, my footsteps filling the silent room. I sat on the chair and felt very nervous. I gripped onto my skirt and gulped.

"Katsuki," I whispered and I flinched at the sound of the chains move a little. He began to lift his head slowly and when his face was in view, he was glaring at me. Burning holes in my eyes as if he had heat vision for a quirk. "Are you okay?" I asked and he rolled his eyes as if he was saying a 'what does it look like' question. I hesitated but I slowly reached out my hands towards his mask. I took it off slowly and he coughed a bit then took in deep breaths. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Should I do something?" I asked with a small smile. "I want you to fuck off," he says in a low tone and I narrowed my eyes.

"That is the one thing I won't do in my life!" I said angrily while crossing my arms and he just sighs. "Whatever, I'm fucking tired so just shut up," he says and lowers his head again. "No! I need to tall to you now! You have to tell me everything!" I pleaded and he looked up, getting pissed off. "What the hell's there to talk about?! Didn't I tell all of you to leave me alone?! Damn! Do I have to say the same damn words tomorrow too?!" he shouts as he tries to come at me but the chains are still holding him back. "No! You don't have too if you'd just tell me now!" I yelled and he glares at me. "Fuck you! Why should I tell YOU out of all the extras!" he shouts and pulls on the chains. He is never gonna succeed so better finish this now.

"Because I am the person you LOVE!" I shouted as I lowered my head and and closed my eyes shut. I can't hold it back anymore, I wanna let him know!

"You know, it's really unexpected of me to fall for someone like you. You and I are different from each other completely, yet somehow, you showed  love to me out of all the pretty girls out there. I thought of putting away the thought, about you loving me, but it was you who made me your girlfriend. You cooked for me, give me warm embraces and protect me. You even gave me this expensive ruby necklace. I can't hold it anymore, I have been crying my eyes out ever since you broke up with me. I don't believe that what you told me was true. It's funny really, you caused me pain and I still find the hope of loving you, and that you'd love me back," I said it. I want to say everything.

I reached out to hold his cheeks to make him face me. Hot tears fell from my face but I had my best smile on. It wasn't fake or painful, I was actually glad that I got to tell him my feelings now. It's like the chains around my mind were broken. "So please...... I know you are different now, but.... I want you to come back to us. To me. I need you back," I say. Without hesitation, I smashed my lips on his. They're as warm and as soft as before, it made my heart beat faster again. I just hope he won't kick me suddenly.

Please come back.....


Ugh, so dark. What the fuck?! Where am I?! I feel like I have been asleep for forever. Black smoke is surrounding me and I can't see a thing. Am I lost? Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? What is it? Damn! I don't have time for this! Where the heck should I go?! It's all black here! Looking around, I began running, running nonstop in the darkness. I started to feel tired, like wanting to sleep. I fell to my knees, taking in deep breaths as I panted hard.

Why is it so hard to get out of here? Who the hell put me in this shit?! I punched the 'ground' and a huge crack emitated from my punch. I am pissed off, fucking pissed off. Looking down, I saw a faint light touching my hands. Looking up, I see a ball of light. Should I follow it?! WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU SHOW UP EARLIER DAMMIT?!

I got up and began to run towards it, with every step, I got closer as it got brighter and brighter in view. Once I was close enough, I jumped and touched it. Suddenly, light surrounded me and I landed. Looking up, there were a lot fo screens, big and small, playing my memories? With that, I saw a memory of me and Uraraka. I raised my hand to touch it, it was when I gave her the necklace. Ochaco........


I slowly moved away, tears still falling to the ground. I saw his eyes closed and he seemed calm, did that calm him? I wonder why he didn't react for the whole minute. The room was just silent and I am getting anxious. So I decided to speak.

"Katsuki?" I asked and his eyes slowly opened. "Can you hear me?" I asked, hoping he won't act violently. "Ochaco?" he asked in a low tone. He looks at me and says, "Why the fuck am I sleepy?" "Katsuki, you remember me?!" I asked surprised. "The fuck you saying? Why would I forget you mochi face?" he asks with a small smirk. I am just overjoyed! I then hugged him tightly but making sure to let him breath normally. "Katsuki! Oooo...... I miss you so much! Y-You c-came b-back!" I yelled between my sobs as I buried my face into his broad shoulder. Bigger tears fell from my eyes and soaked his shoulder. I just can't feel any happier than this!

He finally remembers me! "I would love to hug you right now but why the fuck am I chained up?" he asks in a low angry tone and I moved away. Smiling as I still let my tears of joy flow down my face. He seemed quite shocked. "S-sorry, I-I just am very h-happy," I state as I pushed the button on the wall to tell the control room to let him go. A few minutes passed and he was released making him fall to the ground. "Ugh. So tired," he whined and I smiled a little. His body must be numb. I moved his body close to the wall and I sat down with my back leaning against it for support.

I quickly and rolled him over so his head could rest on my lap. "What happened mochi face?" he asks as he reached up to caress my cheek. I smiled and held his warm hand. "I'll tell you soon, just, get some sleep okay?" I said calmly as I kissed his hand. He smirked a bit and nodded. "Don't fucking forget to wake me up," he says and I nod. "Yeah, sure," I replied to him as he pulls his hand back and closes his eyes. He calmed down and began sleeping. I just ruffled his hair and he smiled in his sleep. I smiled one last time before feeling myself yawn. I should get some sleep too. With that, I fell asleep happily in how many days of pain. The best part is Katsuki is in my arms again, I just feel warm now. The warmth made me doze off.

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