Bakugou Fam 😎

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I heard my damn alarm clock ringing like there's no tomorrow as usual. I punched it and it shut down. Great, now I have to buy another one this week. I groaned and laid back down on my comfy bed. I grabbed my phone and saw a message from Uraraka. "Good morning Katsuki~" it read. I blushed the lightest shade of pink and smiled a bit. Staring at the ceiling, the moments of yesterday repeated in my head. She really can makr grumpy me smile and laugh. I got up from bed and headed to the bathroom to do my routines.


I'm in the agency and sitting around not doing a fucking thing. Nothing was going on today and it's killing me. The weather's nice and they didn't give me a file on a mission to do so meh, might as well go around for a stroll. Standing up, I headed out and went to the streets. Lots of extras just walked around like me and I have no idea on what to do. Going to the store and buying a chocolate bar, I walked to the park. As usual, and again, nothing is going on. Extras are doing their own business while I don't even have one right now. Sitting on a bench, I continued to munch when I got a text from the old hag. I groaned and read her message.

"It's been a while since you came home, come back home by 7 pm for dinner. PS: if you don't come, I will hunt you down," it read. I rolled my eyes and then got another message. It's from shitty hair. What the fuck does he want now?

"Hey man! I'm heading out with the squad to the mall! Wanna come with?" he asks. I thought about it and decided to go since nothing is gonna happen. "Whatever, I'm coming but this better be worth my time," I texted back. "Cool man! Meet us at the entrance of the mall," he replied.

Putting my phone in my pocket, I headed towards the mall. Minutes later, I see those typical people waving their hands at me with smiley faces on. I just gave a simple wave with a blank face as I approached them. "So glad you could come with bro!" shitty hair says as he puts an arm around me. "Hands off shitty hair," I say and he retreats with a surrending pose. "Chill dude, I'm just happy you came," he said and I rolled my eyes. "We haven't seen each other in a while! This is gonna be fun!" pink skin says while fist pumping the air. "Well, let's go in?" elbow tapes says. "Yeah! We should totally go to the movies right now!" pikachu says and walks ahead. I sighed and just followed these idiots around.

We entered an action movie theatre and sat in the middle row seats. The movie started and I just munched down on my popcorn. Looking to my right, I see pink skin leaning her head on shitty hair's shoulders. Man, I could already imagine Ochaco and I like that. Maybe I should take her out for a movie then. I wanna cuddle her right now, where the hell is she though?


Oh.... I have been to this part before, I should go this way then! I turned the corner and kept turning around corners to find my way back. I kept running until I noticed the same mailbox again, am I really lost?! The neighborhood seems nice and calm but how can I find my way back. The streets are confusing me. "Aarggh! What should I do?!" I shout a bit loudly as I gripped onto my hair. I sat down to rest on the sidewalk and looked around. Going out for a jog in a place I don't know wasn't the best idea. The place seemed quiet as well so I don't know if there are any people around. I sighed until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Looking up, I saw a woman who somewhat looks a lot like Katsuki. "You seem a bit stressed there, are you alright?" she asked. I smiled and slightly shook my head. "Um, I got lost. I don't know where to go to head back to the city. Honestly, I have been passing by this mailbox 5 times already," I replied while scratching the back of my head nervously and pointing at a red mailbox next to me. "Oh dear, you seem tired. I live in the house behind you, you may come in to have a rest," she says and I couldn't simply just turn down a kind woman. "I would like that, if you don't mind," I say, standing up. "Of course I don't, I'm sure my husband won't as well, we rarely get visitors as young as you around," she says and leads me inside.

The halls were filled with pictures of her and her husband, until a picture of a blonde boy caught my eye. He was smiling with a fighting stancebin the picture. He really seemed like Katsuki. "You okay? You seem to be staring at my idiot of a son's pic for a while," she says with a giggle. I blushed and turned to face her. Have I been staring for so long?! "I-I'm sorry if it causes you any offense!" I say while bowing down. "Nonesense! He looks cute doesn't he?" she states with a smile. I simply nodded as I stared back. "May I ask his name?" I asked with curiosity.

"Ah, that's my little Katsuki, so adorable, now he's just so mean with a pretty face like mine," she answers ehile crossing her arms. Katsuki?! Bakugou Katsuki?! "Katsuki?" I asked, trying to get my hearing right. "Yes, I'm Bakugou Mitsuki, the brat's mom," she answers and I blinked a few times. "Y-you're his mom?" I asked. "Hmm? Have you met my son? More like do you know him?" she asks. I nodded and her eyes lit up. "Since when did you know him?" she asks and I smiled. "Since freshman year, actually, he's my classmate ever since. I'm Uraraka Ochaco," I introduced myself and she hugged me. "Oooh! I remember you! You were the girl he was with yesterday! Are you his girlfriend?!" she asked with a smile on her face. I saw her eyes full of hope and I hesitated. If I say yes, she'd be happy and Bakugou would get mad at me. If I say no, she'll be sad. I feel like guilt will just take over if I say no so.....

"Yes I am, nice to meet you, his mom," I say with a smile. He surely won't kill me right? "Oh my! I never thought my idiot of a son can get a sweet girl like you! You're so adorable!" she says and hugs me again. "Haha, yes, sorry if he hadn't told you sooner," I say. She lets go of me and had a dark aura around her. "I'm gonna get him soon," she says. I gulped and nodded nervously. "Oh what have we been doing? Let's go to the living room, my husband will be happy to meet our son's girlfriend," she says and drags me.

In the room, I see a man with brown spiky hair, glasses and reading a newspaper. He seems more calm than Katsuki. "Dear, look who I met by coincidence! It's Katsuki's girlfriend!" she beamed and he looked up. "Really? Are you sure? Why hasn't he told us?" he asked. Does he really like to keep his friends unknown to his parents? I wanna talk about it with him. "Hi Mr. Bakugou, I'm Uraraka Ochaco. Nice to meet you," I say and he smiles. "What a nice girl he has, I'm proud of him," he says and Bakugou's mom nodded fiercely. "Dear, you may sit down here and rest while I get you some snacks okay?" she says and leaves the room as I sat down on the soft cushions.

"So, may I ask what you quirk is?" he asks and I looked at him. "Oh, it's zero gravity," I answered with a smile. "That really sounds cool, it matches with my son," he states and I nodded. So far, his parents are far from his personality, I wonder why. His parents both look really nice and calm, I like them.

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