Come back

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The area was silent, no one dared to speak anything just yet. We were all just clueless and lost about what just happened. The No. 1 Hero Deku, suddenly attacks and destroys without a reason? Deku isn't like tht but yet again, even as his closest friend, I can't understand him now. After what seemed like forever, everyone snapped out of it and began to help injured and hurt people. I also stood up to help them. Being like a busy bee, with a lot of questions in mind, I got interrupted- we all got interrupted as we heard a lot of shouting and cursing from the sky. "Let me down now you fucking bitch! I wear I'll kill you! I will send you to Satan as an offering and never bring you back!!!" he yelled and they all stared at me with questionable looks while some began to laugh. I sighed with a sweatdrop as I began to lower him.


I got up from bed as I yawned. My body still hurts from last night's events. I wanna lay back down but I wanna see Katsuki today. Even if I got broken by him, I know I still love him. Maybe he has an explanation to all of this and I wanna hear it. After an hour of preparing and eating breakfast, I am ready to go look at him dead in the eye. On my way, I started off by train. I was on my way towards Deku's agency since it is the strongest and safest place for Katsuki. Haha, I bet they tied him up like an animal again. The memory of the sports festival came to mind, and it was pretty funny.

I was enjoying the memories that I didn't notice the train stopped by the station. I hopped off and went ahead on foot since it was only a few blocks away. The morning was the same as usual and I don't mind it. Everyday is like this........ But with Katsuki, I swear I would wake up with my head on the floor. Wait, gah, I remember sleeping beside him. The warmth, his strong arms around me, and his embrace. Blushing a bit as I scratched my cheek with my index finger. But I don't regret being like that with him. It just felt right.

Looking up, I was in front of the agency and nervousness took over me. I gulped and walked in, the guard recognizes me since Deku brings me here sometimes and so the guard lets me in freely. I smiled at him and continued on to the manager or president or something- just someone who is in charge. I then spotted kirirshima unexpectedly and decided to go to him. I'm sure that he's also worried about Katsuki. "Kirishima! Hey!" I yelled loud enough for him to see me. "Uraraka! Hey to you too!" he waves with a smile showing his sharp teeth. His smile already brightened me up, smiles always brighten my moods. I sprinted towards him and hugged him. "So great to see you! Are you feeling okay?" I asked as I let go since he hugged back. "Yup, how about you?" he asked. "I'm fine, why are you here?" I state. "Came to check on Bakugou and know why he suddenly attacked people," Kirishima answered and my eyes lit up. "I'm here to see him too! I am so curious (more like itching) to know!" I cheered and he smiled at my determination. "Sure! They told me where he was, let's go now," he says and I nodded.

We walked through a lot of hallways and took some turns around corners until we found the way to the ground floor. They put him there because the security is tight and strong. We felt nervous to see him as he is now. The light on top of the door turned green signaling we can enter. The doors slid open and we took a step in as the door closed behind us. The lights turned on and in front of us scared me. Katsuki was chained to the wall and he was on his knees, panting hard and glaring at anything. He looked tired with his crimson eyes filled with anger and hatred. I felt my heart sting seeing those eyes glare at me like that.   "Bakugou.." I whispered and this caught his attention. In a flash, he runs towards me and I had no time to react as I closed my eyes. I felt myaelf being pulled back and I shot them open. "Uraraka! Be careful! He's not Bakugou at the moment!" Kirishima tells me with worry. I looked to the front and saw Bakugou getting held back by the chains and there was a line on the ground just in front of him. "Please do not cross the line, it's dangerous," the speakers spoke.

Seriously?! Why didn't they tell us that earlier?! I sighed and stood straight. "Thanks Kirirshima," I told him and he nods. Looking back at Katsuki, I feel worried seeing him in this state. There has to be something wrong, there has to be. "Bakugou! Listen to us. Do you know who we are?!" Kirishima called out to him. "The hell?! Do you think I know you?! Get the hell over here so I can blast your faces off!" he shouts with anger. "Bakugou! What happened to you?!" I yelled and he looked at me.

"You! You're the bitch that made me float like a fucking balloon and put the damn cuffs on me! Get your ass here so I can beat you up to death!" he yells with pure hatred. I narrowed my eyes as I turned my gaze to Kirishima. "You really did that to Bakugou?" he asked while holding back his laughter. "Focus, I did and get serious. We have to know something right now at least," I state and he cleared his throat then puts his serious face on. "Okay then, but how are we gonna get him to talk?" he asks and I began to think. Honestly, I can't think of anything. If only Deku was here, or Iida or Momo!

"We should try to ask him questions for now, if that fails, let's call some of our friends and ask their ideas," I state feeling smart. "Sure, let's start," he says. Clearing his throat again, he walks a bit closer to Bakugou. "Hey, we wanna know why you began to attack all so suddenly last night. Any reasons?" he asked and Bakugou glared at him. "Ha! There's this guy who wants to fucking destroy your one and only hero! Like hell will I even tell you his name!" he answered with a smirk. What? Someone wants to kill Deku? "If that's the case, what happened to Deku?! What happened to you?!" I shouted from behind Kirishima and he tched. "Nothing happened bitch. Just remembered some shitty people and the shitty world so decided to destroy this shit once and for all," he answered and looked away. "What do you mean?! What memories?! You had the best memories you know!" Kirishima blurts out and Bakugou became silent. That is until we heard a low chuckle, Kirishima and I looked confused. Until Bakugou lost it and laughed hysterically.

"You all forgot the one of a hellish life I had?! Damn people bullied me and treated me like shit! Even you bitch dumped me! What the fuck should I say?! I just wanna fucking destroy everything!" he shouts like a maniac and I am more confused. What is happening? We bullied him? Treated him like trash? Those are completely lies. Could it be that he has amnesia or something. "Those aren't true! Where are all these coming from?!" I yelled and he calmed down. "Well whatever bitch, just get the fuck out of my face will ya? No wait, I'm pretty sure that it will once I get out of these fucking chains!" he yells at me and I clenched my fists.

After that, Kirishima and I kept asking questions for almost 3 hours but he just kept yelling, struggling to get out of the chains and cursing a lot. In the end, we stared at each other in worry, not having a clue about what is going on with him at all. I feel sad that I couldn't find one single clue to lead me to helping him. We just can't get our fingers on it. He really changed but we wanna know why or how. We decided to call all of our classmates to come and have turns trying to talk to him and Kirishima made the calls while I just stare at Bakugou behind the glass window in worry. He was breathing steadily as his head was lowered. Is he getting tired?

"Uraraka! Good news, they're all coming to help!"

With YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora