About to Kiss?!?!?!😳

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"I won't leave until you thank me properly!" Uraraka says as she crosses her arms and looks away, angered by the blonde beside her.

He sighed as he tugs onto his hair, thinking about what he should do to drive her away. A simple thank you is what she wants but he isn't good with these kind of things, not ti mention saying them. He grits his teeth in annoyance and looks at her. She is still looking away from him. Surely she wants something as a 'thank you' right? Could it be something like that? Or just him saying 'thank you' to her sincerely? "So annoying!" he complains as he holds onto his hair with both hands. "Come on Bakugou, just a 'thank you' and I'll leave," she says as she turns her face to look at him. He looks away, not knowing what she really means. "Just me saying it or doing something for you?" he asks. "Hmmmm...... just say it and I'll leave," she decided. He sighs that he doesn't have to do anything but say it. He took a deep breath and stared at her. "T-th.......T-t-tha..... T-th-tha-than- Fuck it!" he screams while punching the table. Ochaco was surprised at his sudden outburst. "I'll just do something you want so you'll get the fuck out of here!" he yells. Uraraka wasn't fazed but giggled instead. This pissed him off alright. "Oi! What you giggling about round face?!" he shouts.

"I find it funny you haven't thanked anyone before?" she asks between laughs. "Hey! I say thank people!" he defends. "Okay then thank me," she teases. She never knew it felt fun to tease the hot head, wished she did this since high school then. "Ugh! Just tell me what you want me to do!" he complains in irritation. "I want you to....... take me to the amusement park tomorrow!" she happily cheered. He seemed disgusted at her idea. Though he was glad that it wasn't something too hard. But he thought about spending an entire day with her, alone with her for a whole day disgusted him. "Are you kidding me? Fine, now get out of here!" he tells her and she sighed. "Okay then! I'm leaving! See you tomorrow!" she says as she gets up. Grabbing her bag, she walked to the door when they heard a loud roar of thunder. They were busy chatting that they didn't even notice the strong rain outside. Uraraka was amazed at how sound proof the walls are. No wonder he came here, so no one will be disturbed everytime he curses. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Bakugou shouts when he opened the curtains. "U-um.... It's okay, I can take the bus," she tells him and continued on her way downstairs. "Tch," was all he said.

Once Uraraka was outside of the building under its shade, she went to the nearest bus stop. Another flash of lighting with loud thunder soared through the dark skies and she flinched and eeped. She sat down on the bench and she was the only one there, wondering why there aren't much people out. The rain got stronger by the minute and the wind caught up, blowing the rain to any direction. She held onto her arms, regretting for not taking a jacket even on a hot day. When the wind blew again, she shivered by the cold. That was when she noticed the news on on the big screen of a building.

"THE BIG AND UNEXPECTED STORM IS TOO STRONG FOR TONIGHT. WE ADVISE EVERYONE TO STAY INDOORS AND GET HOME AS POSSIBLE. BUSES AND OTHER TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES ARE SUSPENDED DUE TO THE BAD WEATHER-" the reporter said and Uraraka's eye twitched at what she heard. "No transportations available?! How am I suppose to go home now?!" she asked herself. She got out her phone to try and contact someone to help her but there was no signal in the strong weather. She sighed and held herself into a ball, feeling cold again. All she could hear was the wind howling and dancing raindrops on the rooftops. "Oi! Are you fucking stupid or something?!" a very familiar blonde's voice beams. Uraraka sat up and saw the blonde before her. "Bakugou?" she asked surprised. "Are you really stupid?! You could get fucking sick here! Just come up with me," he says and turns his back. Uraraka was taken back by what he said, knowing him, he probably never allowed anyone to enter his place. She was silent and he turned to face her and rolled his eyes. "Did you hear me?" he asked. "A-are you serious?" she asked. "You wanna come on or die from cold?!" he asked really annoyed now. "Ah! I'm coming!" she replies and gets up. They both then walk back to his apartment room and enter. Urarak felt a rush of relief from the warm air coming from the ac of the room.

"It isn't gonna be heroic if I won't even give a shit about a pitiful person like you," he says and she blushed a bit. "Thanks for inviting me in," Uraraka says as she sits down on the couch. "You hungry or something?" Bakugou asks plainly. "N-no! I'm fine," she says but her tummy betrays her by growling loudly. "Pffft..... Hahahhahahahahahh!!!!" he blurted out, clutching onto his stomach. Uraraka blushed hard from embarrassment. "Damn! You're the worst at lying!" he said between laughs. "Hey! Stop laughing already!" she yells at him and throws a pillow. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, get your butt in the kitchen," he says and walks ahead. She pouts and then followed him.

Upon entering, she was again amazed by the beautiful kitchen before her. She couldn't afford anything like this so she felt lucky having to at least see in person. Bakugou grabbed two bowls and filled them up with the spicy ramen he cooked. "Hey round face! You like ramen?!" he yelled. "I'm right here. Yes," she plainly replied as she approached him. "Do you like spicy?" he asked. "No," she said. "Awe, sorry but I only have fresh spicy ramen," he says in a 'pitying' tone. "Is it that spicy?" she asks with a bit of fear. "I don't know if you can handle it," he says and sets the two bowls on the table. Uraraka sat down across Bakugou and stares at the red-colored ramen before her. Bakugou sets down two glasses of water beside their bowls. "Itadakimasu," Bakugou plainlu says then begins to eat, seeming calm. "I-itadakimasu," Uraraka stuttered then looked at the ramen again. As if it will eat her instead. Maybe he's joking, she thought. She then took a bite and she began to turn red, feeling the heat and spice growing to her cheeks. After swallowing it, she began feeling tears swelling up in the corners of her eyes. "Aaahh!! Hot! Hot! Hot!" she says while fanning her mouth with her hands then grabs her glass of water then drinks it all in one gulp. It still wasn't enough, so she grabbed Bakugou's and drank it all as well. She felt only her tongue hot and it was okay enough for her.

"Hhahahahahaha!!! I wish you saw your own face!" he yells then laughs again. She just continued to fan her mouth until Bakugou noticed how red it looked. "Here, let me check," he says then stands up and walked over to her. He leaned on the table with his hand keeping him balanced to see. "Oi let me see!" he says and she glares at him. "No!" she said. He holds her chin and makes her stare up at him. "Open your mouth," he says and she felt her tongue sting. Maybe he just wants to check, feeling guilty? She slowly opened her burning mouth. He saw that it was really red. He moved but his arm keeping him balanced fell because of the sudden pain in his shoulder. "Waaah?!" he asked surprised. "Eh?!" Uraraka asked until.... SMASH!

Bakugou opened his eyes to see that his face was so close to Uraraka's but he felt something on his lips. He backed away and saw her hands on her mouth. "Bakugou!" she screamed and punched him but he dodged just in time. "Hey! I'm still injured!" he yelled.

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