Part 26: Our wedding

Start from the beginning

Now both of their parents was busy preparing the wedding ceremony for both of them but Arthit could not help too much because these day, besides being overly sleepy, Arthit had another problem, bad appetite and nausea. No matter whether it was the chef, his mother or mother in law cooking and no matter what fresh, delicious dishes it was, he couldn't eat it plus every morning he always felt nauseous and want to puke, likely this morning after he woke up, Arthit still laying on the bed because he felt dizzy and discomfort. After Kongpob help Minnie took the bath, he carried her and gave her to his parents look after. He went back to the room and helped Arthit dressed up and then led him toward the door.

Arthit didn't want to move and tugged on his hand and refused to go forward, "Kong, what are you doing going out so early in the morning?"

Kongpob answered, " Going to the hospital. I already called P'Beam to wait for us."

Arthit suddenly became worried and asked nervously, " Are you sick?" Then he put his hand on Kongpob's forehand to check the temperature.

Kongpob hurriedly gave a kiss to his P'Arthit and tell, "I'm fine, but you're not feeling well, honey. You have to go to the hospital for a check-up."

Arthit was blushing when Kongpob kissed him but he heard Kongpob's word he hurriedly shook his head, " I'm alright Kong."

"P'Arthit, something's been very wrong with you lately, don't you feel it yourself? Even you said that you were okay but I have to take you to hospital. I'm so worried."

Arthit smiled and immediately denied it, "I'm not, I'm not, I'm fine!"

Kongpob patiently persuaded Arthit like the baby, "P, don't be so willful. If you're fine, then why are you always sleepy now with a bad appetite, losing weight in just a few days? Darling, let's go to the hospital and see if you're okay. If it's nothing, we can come back right away. Please P'Arthit, Let's go to hospital with me."

What he was saying was indeed true. Even he didn't take his disease seriously but when he looked at Kongpob's worrying eyes making him hesitation about his health condition. After carefully thinking for awhile, he realized that something was wrong... because this situation right now feels kind of like deja vu, as if it's happened once before......

Arthit's face slowly, slowly turned red again amd even read than before, he said with great difficulty, "Kong... help...Er.... help buy pregnancy test... for me two or three... I want to check up."

After Kongpob heard his darling word, he didn't know how to express his feelings. He picked him up and circled the room, repeatedly saying, "That's great, that's great! We will have second baby, Minnie will become big sister, thank you honey... you're the best."

"It's not great at all and I'm not the best!" Arthit circled his neck with his arms and cried, "Let me down, you're making me dizzy!"

Kongpob quickly put this darling down and held him in his arms and kissed him over and over, "P'Arthit, thank you, thank you..."

Arthit was blushing to ears, he said " I'm not sure if I'm really pregnant. I want to check it first."

" I think we should go to hospital, let P'Beam check up on you, it's clearly than pregnant test."

Arthit think again and then he nodded his head, " But let me take shower first before we go."

Kongpob laughed and hurriedly kiss on that chubby cheek, " Okay."

After they went back from the hospital, Kongpob kept smiling like crazy person. Arthit can only shake his head when he saw how excited Kongpob was but he himself also felt very happy when P'Beam told that he was pregnant less than 2 month and they are going to have twin. When the idiot heard that he jumped up and hugged P'Beam tightly making him hardly to breath. After they got the advice from P'Beam even this is his second time but because he is carrying twin so both of them need to be careful than before. At the evening, when they had dinner together with both of their family... Kongpob announced the good news to family's members, every one were very happy to congratulate to them especially Minnie, she ran to hug her mommy's stomach, kiss and say hello to her twin siblings. Everyone smiled softly, looking at Minnie's cute action.

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