9: The Trio's Reunion

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Sorry for the late update guys. I'm supposed to have a week off from school so I wanted to write a few updates for my books. Yet my teachers seem to have a great idea and that is to give students 29 essay shit. You could think just how crazy I look to finish those question in 7 days.

This dedicate to my loyal readers that re-read this books over and over. Really thx for the support.

Heine POV

'This letter should be fine to send to her and kids.'

I put down the quil and skimmed through the letter then I heard the sound of carriage outside my window.

I walked to the window and stared at it before a few knocked sound on my door. I opened it to see a white haired butler with green eyes greeted me.

"His Majesty the King has just returned after half a year away. His Majesty wishes to meet with you and the prince's. Would you come to his Majesty's office in the morning?"

'Looks like I need to add a little words on Ella's letter.' I just nodded "Understood."


'And here I thought his return would be a happy event....... Looks like I was wrong. How tense' I made a slight weird face.

"For your information, only Kai-nii here with his big heart is purely happy to see Father." Licht-ouji point to his second eldest brother.

"I love Father... We should all get along... All creatures are neighbours... We are all one family..." Kai-ouji said that with serious face that I couldn't help to retort.

"Big? I would say his heart is galactic in scale."

Leonhart-ouji sighed behind me "Do we have to see Father?"

'Perhaps I should not be suprised by their reactions. Their relationship is that of a king and his potential successors. It must be different from an ordinary father-son relationship.'

"Are you ready?" The butler that came to me last night was the King's assistant, and asked.



"Wha.." I was stunned by the tears that running on His Majesty's face.

"F-Forgive me. I cannot contain my emotions. My sons are already greeting their father formally.... They've grown up so fast... Uhh.." Victor tried to wipe his tears yet it won't stopped.

"Cut it out! We're not kids anymore!" Licht-ouji told Victor annoyingly.

Leonhart-ouji and Kai-ouji tried to pacify the over-exciting father.

Victor was having the doting father expression on his face.

While I was watching this scene with exasperated eyes, Bruno-ouji whispered "The truth is, this happens every time we see him. I was embarrassed about Master seeing it."

'So even the God of War is an odinary father with his children, hmm? Definitely sounds like Victor though.'

Victor looked at me "Thank you for grooming my sons."

I was taken back, who would've thought this king decided to talk to me informally.

(A: y'know when king speaks informal, that means either they were angry or actually close to others)

Bruno-ouji asked with curiosity in his tone "Are you already acquainted?"

"No, only through writing."

I Reincarnated In Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine [NOT EDITED YET] Where stories live. Discover now