Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Let me make it easy for you," I growl, taking off. After a few seconds, Trunks follows. 

I lead him towards the Lookout. But I take him on a little detour first. Show him all the ruined cities and towns since he's left. Even the Androids wouldn't have been able to make this much of a mess in two weeks.

 Finally, I see the red pole. Now that I can see it, it sticks out like a sore thumb. I can sense Trunks slowing down behind me. I smirk. The nausea must be hitting him.

When I suddenly make the sharp turn up, Trunks stops. I debate stopping, but decide against it. He soon follows, though I can tell he's sick and confused.

About a minute later, I pass Korin's tower. Just a little farther.

"Moon! Slow down! Where are we going?" Trunks calls up. I ignore him and speed up, forcing him to as well.

When I reach the top, I land and instantly stalk off to the back rooms.

"Rosamoona! You did it! You killed the Androids!" Mr. Popo congratulates. I merely wince as he uses my full name and continue to walk towards where Bulma and Vegeta are.

"Mommy!" Vegeta exclaims when he sees me. I have no doubt that he also knows what I just accomplished. 

Seeing him, happy, healthy, and alive, and no longer having to be threatened by the assholes, allows me to cool off some. I turn back to Super Saiyan One, as Bulma feels the need to call it, and pick my son up.

"Mommy, who's with you?" he asks, sensing his father's energy. He looks over my shoulder, trying to spot Trunks, but is unable.

"You'll see," I tell him. The words sound cold and heartless, and I can tell that startles the boy. I simply shake my head and walk back the rest of the way to get Bulma.

"Moona!" She cries, standing up. "Is it true? Are they dead?"

"Yes, but you better come out. There's something you need to see."

Bulma's also shocked by my tone, but she nods and follows me out. Trunks is looking around, taking in his surroundings when he feels Bulma's energy. He looks back over at us and smiled.

"Hi mom..." Trunks starts, trailing off when he sees Vegeta in my arms. Something flickers in his eyes. Was it just me, or did it look like recognition?

"Daddy?" Vegeta asks, not taking his eyes off of Trunks.

Trunks continues to stare at Vegeta for a couple of minutes. Then he slowly nods, saying, "Yes. It's me, Vegeta."

I nearly fall over from shock. How the hell did he know his name?! 

"How...?" I asked.

Trunks shook his head after a moment's hesitation. 

"Trunks?" Bulma asked, having finally walked up to her son. He smiled at her. But that smile didn't last long, for Bulma's hand suddenly connected with his face.


"Mom, I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on, but I've only been gone for two weeks."

My tail twitched angrily behind me. I can feel Vegeta's swaying as well. Was he really going to start that again?

"I'm not saying you're lying," Trunks quickly added. "For you guys, I might have been gone for two years, but for me I was only gone for two weeks."

Bulma gives him a confused look. I can't help but feel confused as well. How the hell was that possible?

Bulma was the first to speak. ''That's not possible," she said, shaking her head.

"I know it sounds like it, but I swear to god that for me it's only been two weeks. Unless I was either, A) In the Hyperbolic Time Chamber longer than what I thought, or B) I was dead longer than what I thought. But I don't think that's the case with either of them."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. You died?" I asked, surprise in my voice. Almost the rest of my anger drained away and my hair turned red and black again as it laid back down.

Trunks sighed. I could tell that he hadn't meant to say that. But it was too late now.

"It's a long story," he told us.

"Well you better start explaining," Bulma said, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

So he tells us. He tells us everything. From the time he got there, to the time he left to come back. He even explained about the premonition he had about our children when Cell killed him. By the time he was done, my blood was boiling again.

"And this Cell creep exists here in our time as well?" I ask darkly.

Trunks nods. "Yes, but I'm not sure when he is going to wake up. But when he does, it won't be long before he seeks us out, looking for the Time Machine. When that time comes, he's going to die."

"He is going to die," I agree. "And I'm going to be the one to kill him."

"Pigeon," Trunks starts. But I hold up a hand.

"No. I'm doing it. Nobody messes with my family like that and gets away with it. He will die, and it will be by my hand."

Bulma and Trunks laugh slightly.

"What's so funny?" I demand.

"You sound like Vegeta," Bulma explains. "That's something he would say."

I sigh and look at my Vegeta. He's asleep and his tail was curled around my arm.

"What all have you guys been through?" Trunks asks softly. I sigh again. He gave us his story, so now it's our turn. Bulma and I take turns talking. I let her tell him about when Chi-Chi and Grandpa died. I knew I would just choke up.

When we're done, I fell a pair of strong arms encircle me. I lean into him and rest my head on his chest as tears slip down my cheeks.

"Are you still mad?" Trunks asked, stroking my hair. I shook my head.

"No. You're my one true love, Trunks Briefs. I couldn't stay mad at you."

He chuckled. "You seemed to be doing a pretty good job of it earlier." At first I don't answer.

"I've missed you so much, Monkey Boy," I finally whisper

"I've missed you too, Pigeon. So much," he whispers back, wiping away my tears.

We stand like that for a little bit before Trunks pulls one his arms away and reaches into his pocket. When he pulls it out, his phone is in his hand.

"I got everyone to say hello to you," he said, scrolling through it. "Well, everyone besides my dad that is. But I managed to sneak a picture of him when he wasn't looking."

I laugh as he plays the first video. It was Chi-Chi. I smile, seeing her alive, even if it was about twenty years in the past. As they play through, I see everyone. Gohan, Bulma, Yamacha, Krillin, Tien, even Piccolo gave a small greeting. But the one I was really waiting for was Goku's.

When it finally came on, I took the phone from Trunks so I could hear and see better.

"Hey Mooney!" He greeted. Mooney? He never called me that before...

"Sorry that I haven't been around to watch you grow up. But I promise you I'll stick around this time. I wouldn't want to miss one minute of it," he tells the camera. I smile sadly. I wish I could give him a hug. Let him hold me in his arms one more time. But unfortunately, I can't.

"I know that your strong. Trunks has told me! In fact,  your all he seems to talk about," Goku said, winking. I blush and I heard Trunks fumbling around behind the camera. Goku chuckled. "I love you,  Mooney. I'll see you soon, but hopefully not too soon! I want some grandchildren, and I'm sure Bulma and Chi-Chi do as well."

"Alright, I think that's good," I hear Trunks say in the background. No doubt he's probably blushing. I laugh and hand the phone back to Trunks as the video ends.

"Too bad you didn't know about Vegeta then. You could have satisfied him," I say, looking down at my sleeping son.

"Don't worry. He'll find out soon enough," Trunks answers before kissing me.

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