Shane | Jealousy

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It was an beautiful day in Pelican Town, the breeze making the leaves sway and dance, the birds singing, and the crops ripe and ready to harvest.

(Y/N) placed the last of the crops into the wooden bin, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"That's the last of 'em." She sighs in relief, then pulling out the small pocket watch her grandfather left her. It was 11:30 on a Sunday.

"Oh, I forgot that I was supposed to visit Shane at 12:00!" She rushed inside to quickly freshen up then quickly ran into town. She still had to buy seeds and what not.

She slowed her pace walking into Pierre's, waving at Abigail and Pierre.

"Well if it isn't farmer (Y/N). How's it going?" Pierre smiled.

(Y/N) smiled back. "Great, just about to go to Shane's house!" She replied gleefully, excited for the hangout.

"You know, I just got some bouquets shipped in..." Pierre winked at the farmer.

(Y/N) blushed and made frantic hand gestures. "H-Hey! It's not like that!" She stuttered.

"We are just friends. Nothing else." She exclaimed, feeling a painful ache in her heart. (Y/n) looked at her pocket watch. It was 11:45.

"Ok, I gotta get going, fifteen bags of parsnip seeds and six bags of cauliflower seeds please!" (Y/N) asked, a faint hue of pink still on her cheeks.

Pierre chuckled, then handed her the seeds. She handed him the gold then shoved the seeds in her backpack then ran out.

(Y/N) bumped into a tall figure, she made a small 'oof' noise then looked at the person she bumped into.

It was Sam, her other best friend. He chuckled then ruffled (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair.

"What's the rush, (Y/N)?" Sam grinned. "You almost knocked me over!"

(Y/N) quickly looked at her pocket watch. 11:50. She could talk with Sam for a bit, right? Shane wouldn't mind.


Shane nervously nibbles on a pepper popper, looking at the bouquet on the table. He finally worked up the courage to ask out (Y/N), with the help of Emily and his aunt. Marnie took Jas to the playground so the two could have privacy.

Shane's mind wandered to the farmer, her (E/C) eyes, bright and filled with life, her soft, smooth (H/C) hair... The way she treated Jas as her little sister, how she never gave up on him and his addiction.

She was the light of his life, his will to live. He sure as hell didn't deserve her, but it was worth a try.

Shane's eyes darted to the clock on the kitchen wall, 12:00 o'clock. Picking at the nail polish Jas painted his nails with, he awaited the arrival of (Y/N).

Ten minutes passed, she didn't show up.

'It's okay, maybe she's still working?' Shane attempts to reassure himself. 'But she's a fast worker," he thought.

Twenty minutes passed. No sign of (Y/N). Shane ran his hand through his purple hair, shakily sighing. 'She's just late, calm down Shane.' He reassures himself. Until the voice in the back of his head whispers,

'Or maybe she doesn't want to see you.' The voice mutters bitterly. Shane takes a deep breath. "Come on, (Y/N)..." He whispers.

Thirty minutes passed. The voice in the back of his head gets louder.

'She hates you.' It whispers.

'You don't deserve her." It seethes with hatred.

'She's only your friend out of pity.' It gets louder.

Shane stares at the cold plate of pepper poppers across from his, cold and abandoned.

A Hour passed. 1:00 O'clock.

Shane felt tears pool up in his eyes, the voice tormenting him.

'She left you for someone else.'

'You never had a chance.'

"SHUT UP!" Shane yelled, breaking the eerie silence of the house. The voice didn't stop, it only got louder.

Shane abruptly stood from his seat and grabbed the bouquet, his hands violently trembling. He wanted to stomp on it, destroy it. Instead he threw it to the corner, watching the petals scatter as it made contact with the wall.

He fell to his knees, burying his head into his hands, the thoughts of self-loathing taking over. A frantic knock interrupted those thoughts.
Shane couldn't bring himself to get up.

He heard the door open, the frantic voice of (Y/N) filled his ears. He didn't want to hear her right now.

"Shane, I am so sorry! I was just talking to Sam and next thing you know I forgot about our hangout-" She rambles, hurriedly pacing into the kitchen.

"W-Wha- Shane? Are you okay-" (Y/N) kneeled and attempts to place a hand on his shoulder but he pushed her hand away.

Shane has a look of anger on his face, his green eyes filled with hatred.

"Sam huh? So you do pity me." Shane grumbles.

(Y/N)'s face contorts from guilt. "What? No! Shane I would never-" He interrupts her.

"Just tell the truth (Y/N). You're just my friend out of pity. You never cared." Shane exclaims, He didn't know what he was saying at this point.

(Y/N) felt tears pooling in her (E/C) eyes. She knows that Shane still got moody sometimes, but he never got this mad.

Shane began to ramble.
"Is it because I'm an idiot? The town drunk? Sam has everything I don't, Looks, talent. I can't believe I thought I had a chance I-"

(Y/N) placed two hands on Shane's shoulders, looking at him straight in his green eyes.

"Shane, you idiot." She placed a kiss on his stubbly cheek. "I love you, so much. You're the most greatest thing that has ever happened to me," Shane's eyes widen and he feels tears begin to stream down his face.

"I love you and your 9 o'clock shave, the way your eyes light up when you finally beat me at that stupid racing game, the hugs you give me when we finish hanging out... Yoba, I love everything about you."

Shane saw that (Y/N) began to cry as well, and wipes away her tears.

"(Y/N), Don't cry- shhhh..." He let her cry into his shoulder for awhile, wiping her tears away.

"Yoba, I'm such an idiot. I should've just listened to you and stayed calm. Buh... I don't deserve you..." He wipes a few stray tears off his face.

She smiled. "You deserve everything in the world Shane." Shane blushes, then silently giggled as you attacked his face with kisses.

He stood up, offering a hand. She took his hand then stood up as well.

Shane sighed happily, "So, wanna watch a movie?" (Y/N) nods. "Yeah!"

hey y'all i wrote this on my phone so some of the spellings of the words and spaces might be whack.

【 shane oneshots • sdv • COMPLETED 】Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang