Echo rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Heard this all before."

"Who are you?" Elena asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I'm Anna," she introduced, "Your brother may have mentioned me. I mean, we're practically dating." She smirked with a taunting tone.

"You stay away from our brother," Echo spat, stepping forward.

Before she knew it, she was pressed against the wall, Anna's hand tightening on her throat.

"Do not make me mad, Echo," she threatened. "I'm a hell lot stronger than you. I only need one doppelgänger for leverage, and that won't be you because, well, you're useless looking like that." She smirked.

She let go of Echo who almost fell, but Elena was there to help her. She sucked in a few deep breathes and glared at Anna. Even though she was confident about her looks, it still hurt to be told something like that.

"Bonnie isn't going to open that tomb," Elena said defiantly, glaring at Anna.

"Oh. I think she will." Anna smirked, looking out the window.

"Do you really want Katherine out that bad?" Echo asked with a hoarse voice.

Anna scoffed. "Trust me. No one I know wants to see her again. Except Damon. That lovestruck idiot. "

"Then what is it? Or who is it?" Elena asked, staring at her sister in concern.

"My mother is in there." She walked closer to them and stopped a few feet away. "She couldn't stop." Anna scoffed, smiling an unhumorous smile. "She just had to play with both Salvatore brothers. Then, when she got caught, so did my mother. I watched Jonathan Gilbert take her away."

"I'm sorry," Elena apologized.

"You really mean that don't you?" Anna asked, almost annoyed with Elena. "Well, we can skip the dead mom bonding and let you two serve a purpose."

"And what's that?" Echo asked.

"Leverage." She smirked before picking up Elena's phone from the dresser."This yours?"

She sent her a wink and started calling someone, and she waited for whoever she's calling to talk first. "Oh she's fine. They both are... for now. Tell me where the Grimoire is and they'll stay fine." The person on the other line talked and she listened. "Which means your brother has it." She's talking to Stefan. "And I have the witch so one of you have better meet me in the public town square so we can safely discuss how fun it will be to work together."

She hung up and put it back on the table.

"Damon isn't going to give you the Grimoire. He could care less if we drop dead," Echo spoke up. She knew that if it came between her and Katherine, he would choose her. She's used to it, though. No one has ever chose her before.

"I don't think so," Anna retorted, grabbing her purse. "It's obvious you two got something. I'm counting on it. Ben!" He stepped out, Bonnie in his grip. "Make sure they're buttoned down. Compulsion won't work: use violence," she instructed.

"Alright. Got it." Ben replied and pushed Bonnie on the other bed. "Sit. Behave."

"Sorry to disappoint, but we aren't dogs," Echo spat, her voice raspy.

He gave her a glare then looked at Bonnie. "So, you're the key," he mused. "Literally. The one who opens the door. Tell me." He started as he gets comfortable in the chair he was sleeping in. "How long have you been a witch?" He asked.

"Is there anything to drink here?" Elena interrupted, hoping to distract him with a small task.

Ben stood up and walked towards her. "Are you offering?" He asked with a smirk. Echo got in a defense mode and put her arm in front of her. "There's water on the nightstand." He chuckled at ger reaction.

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