Echo smirked. "Thanks. I've been practicing until the moment I get to stake Damon," she joked.

Alaric gave her a look. "Who do you think killed my wife?"

Echo's eyes widen and she turned to see Elena with the same expression. "Are you sure?" She crossed her arms. "If you're here for revenge, this is going to end very badly for you."

"I just want to find out what happened to my wife."

Elena looked at him confused. "I thought you just said that Damon—"

"Yeah. I saw him draining the life out of her. He must have heard me coming. He just... disappeared. So did her body. They never found her."

Stefan sighed. "Damon can never know why you're here. He'll kill you without blinking."

"I can take care of myself."

"MY father never approved of anyone I dated." Damon smirked. "Which only made me want them more, of course. What about you?" He asked Jenna he cut up vegetables.

Jenna was sitting on the counter, drinking wine, while Echo sat on the couch. "There were a few guys," she dismissed. "Logan isn't the only loser I've dated." She scoffed efore sipping her wine.

"Have they ever found him?" Echo questioned from the couch, turning to them. "Is he still missing?" She knew Logan was dead and she's glad that they won't have to deal with his ass anymore.

"He's not missing," Jenna laughed. "He's in the Bahamas working on his tan. Very entitled that he marches to the beat of his own drum." She scowled before finishing her wine.

"He's a Fell. In other words. A total douche," Echo reply as Damon refilled Jenna's wine glass before going back to cutting the vegetables.

Without looking up Damon commented, "Hello, Elena."

Jenna and Echo turn around to see Elena walking in the kitchen. "Hey!" Jenna greeted a little too giddy. "Where have you been? We're cooking dinner."

"Damon is," Echo piped in before getting up, and making her way into the kitchen.

"Is Stefan with you?" Damon asked Elena as he watched Echo make herself a coffee.

"Um, he'll be here soon," Elena replied hesitantly.

SEEING as she didn't help with cooking dinner, Echo was stuck on dish duty which she didn't complain about. She was used to being the one who did the cleaning and the dishes because while Dean cooked or went out and got something, Sam researched. She was stuck with everything else.

When taking out a plate to put in the dishwasher, Damon purposely bumped in to her.

She rolled her eyes and looked up at him. "Don't do that."

He stepped out of her way before standing on the other side of her, passing her the plates. "Do what?" He asked, playing dumb.

She playfully glared at him. "You know what. That move was deliberate."

"Yeah." He scoffed. "I was deliberately trying to get to the... sink" He smirked. "Speaking of Stefan. Where is he? He's missing family night. Which I am enjoying immensely."

She frowned at him. "Why are you asking me this?" She turned to look at him. "I haven't seen him since last night and even then, it wasn't for too long."

"Is it real?" He asked all of a sudden which made her pause.

"Is what real?"

"Our renewed sense of brotherhood?"

Complicated ↠ Damon Salvatore [1]Where stories live. Discover now