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We were all at school in room 0, i was eating an apple . Austin was eating a banana and the others well i didnt really know maybe pizza. I sat down just allowing my gaze to flicker between my phone  and austin. Y'all are probably thinking how pathethic this is well you cant blame my. I see him strut over to V.E.R.A and i cant help but think that he prefers the others to me. I mean he talks more to an A.I than me. I feel so pathethic.
"How's it coming V.E.R.A" he asks her but he is interrupted by parker saying  "shh she's in the zone don't mess with her flow ". "Distraction is not a problem parker i am capable of multitasking up to 16 different simultaneous functions right now in addition to decrypting this spheres code i am finishing an assignment for physics class, perusing social media ,and cataloguing your lunch choices" V.E.R.A says. I just think i can only multitask 4 stuff no wonder i should have learnt more. Oh who am i kidding i cant be smarter than an A.I . "My lunch choices really" parker asks. "Yeah cold pizza appears to be your preference"  V.E.R.A said. "Its a perfect meal all the food groups deliciously layered together. Do you want a bite" parker said. "No thank you my research suggests chill cheese causes flatulence" V.E.R.A said. "Perhaps you should add some of these to your pizza" V.E.R.A said. "These are breath mints V.E.R.A" parker said and austin chuckled. "Yes they may reduce the punging odour you are emiting" V.E.R.A said. Austin looks over at me but i dont notice and just keep staring at the wall. Trey and tamra walk in and just like that his attention is torn away. I dont hear anything clearly but when i do i hear "are those breath mints on you pizza" from tamra. "Mhmm part of my new favourite topping combo"parker says. This dude is in too deep. I start walking out knowing that no one will notice till i hear the strangest thing
V.E.R.A said "yn i hope you are not leaving". I immediately sit back down. "The decrypting process is complete please stand by" V.E.R.A said. I walk over to where they all are with my flannel around my waist. They are all so focused especially austin. I stare at a wall and go back into my thoughts.
He is so close to V.E.R.A maybe he just came here to so i just blocking him. He probably thinks i am stupid and ugly. Maybe he just likes wierd girls and hates me and he just saved me out of pity. "That my dad's lab" i hear then look back at the computer with full attention. "That's my dad" austin says moving closer to V.E.R.A i swiched position away from them. We saw a rat go into cyber space and come back out. Austin looked so serious meanwhile i was thinking of how stupid i am being. "My dad created the guardian code" was the next thing i hear.
"So all of this room 0. The codec my dad must have made it while he was a teacher here. V.E.R.A he must have made you too" austin says. Ok so now its worse she's his dad's creation i habe no hope. "You're like V.E.R.As brother from another motherboard" parker said but i didnt hear. I just made up an excuse and went to think. Little did i know that Austin's eyes followed me out. Till i realized i had physics class. I saw V.E.R.A and tamra there so i had to keep my composure.
V.E.R.A managed to insult the teacher and gain detention and she dragged tamra and another girl with her so sad. Soon class is going to be done and i have a free period to go to room 0.
Time skip.
V.E.R.A and tamra got back to room 0 and said that we had to help austin and Parker because they were in trouble i ran to my pad and was soon in cyber space. We soon get into megabytes fortress and make a big entrance. "Someone call for backup" tamra said. I remained silent. "Nice for you guys to drop in" austin said.
"If you insist on being so disruptive i will have to teach you manners" megabyte shouted before blasting us
"Cyber shield" trey said. "Fry fist" trey said again. Megabyte blasts austin. "He regroups with us. Goobs we could use a little protection" austin said. "Sure thing fire wall" parker said. "Your fire wall wont last very long" megabyte says. "Alpha sentinels attack" megabyte said. "I think its time to leave" austin  said "but what about the sphere" goobs said. "Too risky we have to get out of here dfragg" austin . "Turbo jets" dfragg says as he gets us out of there. "Later mega looser" austin says. Megabyte shouts and tries to blast him. We escape and come back to see V.E.R.A again i mean i am getting tired now i know she's better than me ok. Austin started talking i just walked past him got my stuff and left. After school i went home. A couple of minutes there was a knock on the door i answered to see austin."Hi" he said. "Yn ,V.E.R.A is my virtual sister. I know you weren't there and you dont know but i just wanted to fill you in".he said. "You wanna come in"i asked. "Nope i was thinking you come out with me. I dont give you enough attention so i was thinking we shoulg go you know just you and me"he said. I smile before saying sounds great and slipping on my shoes going hand in hand with him my hero.

REBOOT: THE GUARDIAN CODE AUSTIN X READERWhere stories live. Discover now