Goobs upgrades

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It was friday
Parkwr was standing listing everyones weapons and attributes. I wasn't really listening till he said
"slasher and her amazing ability to take out an opponents with one attack". "Yup"i say. "And what do i have" parker said. Austin came forward to say "your brain but was interrupted by parker saying it. He tried talking to V.E.R.A to give him an upgrade but she didn't allow. We were all just about to leave till austin invited us to game night. Trey and tamra made excuses they he looked at me with hopeful eyes and i agreed. He smiled before muttering a thank you.
"Parker how about you ,you can be on V.E.R.A's team" he said in attempt to make him say yes. But he refused seeming sort of spaced out from reality. Ok yn, V.E.R.A lets go i agree with V.E.R.A trailing behind us.
At game night i sat by austin as V.E.R.A kept saying the funniest answers before saying "goobs at 50%"
"What" austins mum said. "Oh a fish" V.E.R.A said before we hear a ding. V.E.R.A shouted "i smell victory" before doing a pose. Actually you smell my cookies Austin's mum said before getting up to go to the kitchen.
Austin brought V.E.R.A closer to ask her about goobs. It was not very good news. "Cant you reach out to him" austin asked. "I can only do that from room 0"V.E.R.A said. "Um austin your face is a little too close" i say from my spot in between V.E.R.A and austin. "Sorry" he said moving back a little. "Then thats where we have to go but first we have to ditch my mum" austin says. His mum soon came back as we were whispering. "Hey you three no whispers or colluding on family game night" she said. "Oh i was just telling V.E.R.A and yn how amazing your cookies are" austin says. His mother gets a message from the hospital and says she has to leave. And ausin does a fake upset voice "what now! in the middle of family game night". "Sorry we are just gonna have to do this another night" she says rushing out. As she left we found out V.E.R.A sent that text. "Lets get to room 0 and find out what parker is up to" i say. "I knew he was up to something earlier he had that look" austin says. "I will ensure it wont happen again" V.E.R.A said. "What's that on his back" austin asks. "It sppears to be an unauthorised weapons modification" V.E.R.A.says. "oh boy he's really done it this time" i say. "What's his energy level at"i ask "21%"V.E.R.A says. "Goobs report immediately" V.E.R.Asays. "oh hey V.E.R.A" parker said. "Um sorry my comes not working lost in static or something" parker said. "Anyway i am just in the codec doing some research, sup" parker said. "dude we can see you" austin said. "Oh right"he said in realization. "Uh hi" he said. "Parker you know that guardian rule number seven is never go into cyber space without my authorization"V.E.R.A says. "Yeah i know i know"parker said. "Get back here now or else I'm coming in to get you" austin said. "Relax austin everything's fine" parker said. "Unless you the prey,Im about to prey" he said. Ok buddy you power/energy level is down to 10 percent. "Ok ok I'll head back" he said rolling his eyes. We cut the transmission. "That boy has some nerve"i say walking to go sit down but i trip and instead of falling am caught by austin. we get him back on the line and he says "austin, yn, V.E.R.A these sentinels are not like the others in the game". "I'm going in yn let's go, V.E.R.A call tamra and trey" austin says. "All right" i say following him. I get on my pad and we are transported in with my cool as hell suit. Austin doesnt use thing that brings us down but jumps saying "zip board" and knocking out a bot. As they say follow the leader i jump and shout bouncer and i land on a boucy ball before landing in my feet and it disappearing. I can tell austin is pissed as he shouts "overclock" as his board transforms . I shout "electrowhip" i use is to grab onto a flying bot and knock them into the others electrocuting them in the process. I chase vector towards the fortress but we are too late. He checks if i am ok and goes to look for another entrance with his board i look up on my helmet and see i have unlocked a new weapon my own board. I quickly access it and follow austin. We get back to the ship as austin says "we have to get inside that fortress". "How Knocking on the door is not an option"tamra says . "No it not" i and austin chorus. "Ok flip it V.E.R.A" austin says as our feet are strapped in.
We all get out. "Cyber hook take it away V.E.R.A" austin says i dont do anything but look at him so focused.
We get into the vent of the fortress. "Come on" he says as we are crawling through. we eventually get in. Trey gets stuck "he says "power surge". And gets out. "do you even understand the concept of skill" tamra says. "Uh" trey says looking back before saying "oh right". "Let's go" austin says . "That must be where they've got goobs" austin says as we come to a hault. I and tamra lunge forward towards the guards and she sliced them both in half. "You could have saved one for me you know"i say. "Lets go" austin says as he and trey rushed from behind us. Trey says "ok that was stealth". "Goobs' power level is at five percent hurry" V.E.R.A says. Bash dagger trey said as he breaks the layer keeping us from goobs. "We have to boost his cyber suit im low on power but you two have plenty to spare" austin says. "What of yn" tamra said. "I'll donate some too"i say as i stay beside them. "Network" austin shouts. This better work i think. And it did goobs was back online. "Austin" goobs said. "I knew you'd come fore me but so did megabyte" he said. "megabyte he's still around" austin said in suprise. "Yeah and he threw me in here to catch you guys we gotta go" parker said. We run out and are blasted at ."oh oh not this way" i say.
"Portal blaster" parker said but to no vail. "Wipeout" i said and took two of them out. "Code disrupter" austin said blasting them as the rest of us ran but ended up running back saying "um not this was either". Everone back to the tunnel now austin shouted as we ran but no vail. "We're running out of options" i heard and as i was about to join the others i was blasted in front if them i was in pain i was about to be blasted the second time but was dragged away by austin and i landed beside him. "Follow me" we heard parker say from beside us as he ran and opened a passage and we followed through the passage i was having a little trouble keeping up. "How did you know that door was there" trey asked. "I scanned the wall"parker said . "Smart move" tamra said as we continued running. "this way" someone said as we ran up a flight of stairs. "The bots wont me able to get up the stairs" parker said. And they got up the stairs."You were saying" trey said. We all continued to run and found ourselves in a room surrounded. Megabyte came up to us and said"oh guardians how predictable what do you think of my new fortress". "Pretty impressive except its not yours, it belongs to the fortress command game" austin said "it did but that was before i took possession of it" megabyte said. "My only decision now is what to do with you four" megabyte said as we were forced to walk forward. "perhaps i will match your head on my wall" megabyte said. Goobs spotted something. "Then again i could dip you into my digital acid pool and watch you disintegrate" megabyte said. "Everybody get ready" parker said. "Ready for what" austin asked. "This" parker said as he ran forward. "Goobs no" tamra shouts. "Fool" megabyte shouts shooting towards goobs but it hits the wall instead. Breaking it. "Ha it work" parker says.
Austin shoots at mega byte and the rest of us get into position dont forget my shoulder i was shot in is still killing me. "You okay goobs" austin asked as we create a firwall and escaped after goobs deleted his upgrade and we got on the ship.
We went back into the real world.
The others were mad at parker. "You were seconds away from your suit starting to decode" austin said. "Okay but it didn't thats a positive" parker started but was cut of as austin walked away. Trey said "maybe" and walked past him. I just walked past to go sit down." Parker you broke guardian rule number seven you entered cyber space with unauthorised upgrades you put yourself and the others in jeopardy but you also exhibited excellent composure under pressure and executed a daring escape from megabytes fortress so even though i am not programmed to upgrade your weapons at this time" V.E.R.A said as she type gathering every ones attention and upgraded his weapons. I walked past and took off my jacket from my sleeveless shirt and saw a dark purple mark and quickly tried tend to it. "How about you yn" parker said and everyone looked at me. "Im sorry i didnt get what your were saying" i say in an unrealizing tone. "How can i repay you for saving my life" parker asked. "Oh nothing big you can just help me tend to this huge bruise i sustained from being blasted on my shoulder" i say and everyone immediately rushes by my side and parker gets on it.
So after we head to game night for Austin's repayment. I had a good laugh.
I escused myself dragged austin aside by his hand "yn whats up?". "I wanted to say thanks for saving me"i say . "Oh no problem i couldnt let them kill you" austin said. "And also for catching me so i didnt fall" i say. No problem i couldnt let anything happen to your pretty face, sorry did i say that out loud" austin said in realization before we laughex. "Lets head back" i said.
I soon went home got changed and fell asleep thinking of my hero.

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