"Incredible!" Jessup exclaimed, she had lowered the club but she was still standing a few feet away with Emy. "Now, grab the saddle from the side there and place it on her, be extra careful, the weight could scare her."

I complied and placed the saddle on the mare, it was almost as though she helped me get it on. She stood there while I buckled it up according to Jessup's instructions. When I was done, Jessup was gaping in awe while I stroked the mare's nose and stared at Jessup and Emy.

"You do not realise how momentous this is, do you?" Jessup asked as she took a step closer.

I shrugged and looked back at the mare, she was watching me with her big brown eyes and I rubbed a hand down her flank.

"I saddled a horse, I wouldn't call it momentous but it did feel good," I admitted.

I understood that the mare could have been dangerous but she didn't seem it to me. She was friendly and loving, exactly what I'd always known a horse to be before coming to this upside down world.

Jessup shook her head, "I must tell your parents as soon as this lesson is over. For now, I will teach you how to ride and every other basic skill you should need. I am sorry but for your trip to Eribourne tomorrow, you cannot take that mare. You must get used to a different horse today and take that one."

I was disappointed at the thought of not going with the mare, I had formed a bond with her, but I could also feel that she wouldn't want to be away from her foal for too long. An agreement passed between us however, that once we were back from the dinner, she would be my horse from then onwards.

I nodded and proceeded to take the saddle off, Jessup watched again in amazement when I led the mare back into her stable and she thanked me by snuffling at my hair. I giggled, walking back to join Emy and Jessup, who looked at me like I'd just laid a golden egg.

"You will be taught to ride on these stallions and they will take you to Eribourne. You need to learn every aspect from cantering to galloping. If done right, you should not ache too much tomorrow and you should be in good form for the dinner."

I didn't like the sound of aching the whole day and from the look on Emy's face, neither did she. We proceeded to do what we were told though and soon, Jessup had us cantering around one of the gardens. My horse, who was apparently named Ulric, was only too happy to oblige to my very subtle nudges.

It was as if he knew what and where I wanted to go and just did it, riding was the most fun skill I had learned to do since arriving in Nentarli. I didn't want to stop when Jessup led us back to the stables, I felt exhilarated when I jumped down. Ulric butted me with his head and I stroked him between unbuckling the saddle.

Once the horses were tucked away, Jessup turned to Emy and I excitedly.

"I must report back to your parents, congratulations on a very successful first riding lesson."

She nodded to both of us then rushed off before we could thank her.

Emy was grinning at me and I arched a brow at her, "What? What is it now?"

I turned my attention over to the mare who was watching me, I couldn't help smiling.

"Nothing, it's just... I didn't realise I was best friends with a horse whisperer."

I raised my brow and turned to her, "I'm not a horse whisperer."

"Oh please, didn't you hear what Jessup said about mares? This is the second time one hasn't attacked you when it wants to rip everyone else apart. And you had no trouble at all getting that male horse to go where you wanted. Twice, mine steered me in a circle and my backside is so sore from bumping against the saddle, not sure how I'm going to cope tomorrow."

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