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Mia groaned to herself as she woke up in the hospital wing. She glanced around and frowned as she sat up and groaned in pain. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed as madam pomfrey walked over to her and smiled "miss malfoy how are you feeling?" She asked as Mia looked to her and sighed "oh you know that I was hit by a curse and ended up in the hospital wing" Mia said as she looked to Mia and smiled "I have some bad news miss malfoy, the backfire of the curse has caused you to loose the baby" she said as Mia looked to her and frowned. She belt her heart break. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed as a tear rolled down her face as she thought over the baby that she has lost. Her and snapes baby and she felt numb at the thought and didn't know what to do.

Mia frowned to herself as she woke up later that day. She looked to see snape as he pulled the curtain around her bed and sat down next to her and smiled "I heard what happened, I'm so sorry" he said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes "what does it matter, you didn't want this baby" she said "that's not true, I was scared but I did, you would of been a great mother" he said as she started to cry. He wiped the tears away her eyes and smiled "I'm sorry" "what happened" he asked "I was hit by a death eater, I was protecting maya" she said as he held her hand "they aren't going to get away with it I promise. They need to pay for us loosing our baby" he said as he rested a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her passionately


Mia sat on the common room. She had finally been discharged from the hospital wing. She felt withdrawn as she thought over the baby that she lost the baby. Maya and Draco walked in. They were fighting. Mia looked to them and glared "can't you two give it a rest for once, and be thankful for each other. I lost my baby and you haven't even asked how I am" Mia spat "Mia" maya said "no, I want my mother" Mia said as she walked off. Maya looked to Draco and sighed. They were both feeling guilty "what should be do?" Maya asked as Draco looked to her and sighed "simple isn't it? We write to mother before Mia does something well Mia like" Draco said as maya nodded


Mia walked through the dungeons as she headed towards snapes Chambers. She wanted to see him. She wanted to be with him. She walked in and frowned as she saw he was in bed with someone else. She looked to him and didn't say a word as she walked out. Mia was angry and heartbroken to find him in bed with someone else, realising she was in love with Severus snape

The student and the potion master (Harry Potter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن