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Mia sighed to herself as she sat in her dorm. It was getting to her, and was mad at Snape and left as of he was using Maya and she hated that. Mia knew that she needed to protect her little sister. Mia didn’t know what was going on in her head when it came to Snape but part of her felt jealous knowing he had been sleeping with her sister. Mia shock of the thought as she continued to get dressed for the day. She changed into her robes and smirked to herself. She was a Malfoy and she was proud to be and knew that she needed to act tough and strong and be more like a Malfoy before narcissa paid her a visit again thanks to Draco and his meddling ways. Mia flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder and grabbed her wand and tucked it into her robes before she walked down to the great hall for breakfast.

Mia walked down towards the great hall and frowned as she spotted Maya who sat at the slytherin table. She could tell that she was off “hey, you okay?” Mia asked as Maya nodded. Mia looked to her and sighed “look what happened with you and Snape, I don’t blame you okay, I know what he is like" Mia said as Maya looked to her and smiled. “I didn’t want to, I was protecting you, I know the hold he has over you and I don’t want you to me hurt like before and let him break you” Maya said as Mia looked to her confused “what do you mean protect me?” she asked as Maya looked to her “You need to talk to  our parents over it, I can’t tell you" Maya said as Mia frowned to her and nodded feeling concerned and worried off why Maya would be protecting her especially from Snape.


Mia sat in potions and smirked to herself as she watched as umbridge inspected him. She tried to focus on her potion and placed a hand over her mouth trying not to laugh “You applied for the post of defence against the dark arts post?” umbridge asked as he looked to her “yes" “and you were unsuccessful?” “obviously” he said as Mia laughed causing Snape looked to her and glared. Mia knew it annoyed him that she laughed at him as he was humiliated. Umbridge walked off and Snape walked over to where Mia was standing. He looked to her and glared “that isn’t appropriate “ he said as she loomed to him and raised an eyebrow at him “ a lot of things I have done are inappropriate,  you know that professor" Mia said as he walked off and sat at his desk. She looked to him and smirked. She knew the effect she was starting to have on him and loved that she was having it on him.

Mia stood in the owlery as she sent a letter to narcissa. She needed to talk to narcissa and knew that somehow Snape was involved and she wanted answers. Mia knew that she couldn’t trust Snape as far as she could throw him. Mia went to walk out of the owlery and frowned as she saw Snape who stood in the doorway. She looked to him and sighed “stay away from me" she said as he looked to her and rolled his eyes. He placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her to him and kissed her She froze and felt herself kiss him back as she ran her hands through his hair as he pulled away and looked to her “believe it or not, I’m protecting you” he said before he walked off waving Mia feel more confused than ever.


Mia sat in the dungeons as Snape looked to her and smiled. She had been brought to him in the middle of the night over her recent dreams off her death that she had been having. She pulled her dressing gown around herself as she started to feel vulnerable. He looked to her and sighed ”I’ve seen it all before mia" he said as she glared. “your enjoying it aren’t you, torturing me and looking through my thoughts" she asked as he looked to her and rolled his eyes “I told you Mia, I have to keep you safe before the project comes true" he said as she looked to him and frowned. Asking herself one questions; what prophecy?

The student and the potion master (Harry Potter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن