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Mia sat in the ministry with maya and smiled. She sat with an arm wrapped over her sister as she held her close. She frowned as she saw snape who had apparited in front of them. Mia looked to him and smiled slightly. She didn't know why but she was glad that he was there "why are you here" she asked as he looked to her "in here to take you back to your mother, your not safe here with your father and the rest of the dark lords followers" he said as Mia looked to him and nodded. She knew that he was right and stood up as she saw Lucius walking towards them "don't" Mia said as he looked to her and sighed "please, let me explain" he said as she looked at him and rolled her eyes "thats a joke right? Your working for him. The man that wants to wed your fourteen years old daughter. Your meant to protect us, not go and work for him. Your a coward" Mia said as he looked to her and nodded "I am, your right" he said.

Mia looked to him and sighed "he's got a death threat on me and you have no idea how it feels, you have no idea how it makes me feel to know I may die because of him and what sucks is you choose him over us and because of this stupid family honour that we have that you will get away with it, you will always get away will it and i don't forgive you, not this time. Come on maya" Mia said as she walked over to snape who looked to her "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and nodded before he apparited them back to malfoy manor.


A few days had past. Mia had been back at malfoy manor with her siblings. They hadn't seen their parents since they got back and Mia was feeling worried and anxious over it. There was a knock at her bedroom door as Mia smiled as she saw narcissa "mother" she said as she stood up and walked over to her. Narcissa smiled as she hugged her daughter and held her close "are you okay?" Narcissa asked Mia who nodded "good as I need to talk to you" she said as they walked over to the bed. Narcissa sat next to her and smiled "your father has gone to Azkaban, and I need to separate you and your siblings for the summer to keep you safe" she said as Mia looked to her and frowned.

"What?" She asked "it's for the best, to keep you safe. Your going to stay with snape for the summer" narcissa said "it's for the best trust me, and dumbledore trusts him and hays all that matters to me right now" she said as Mia looked to her and sighed. She knew she needed to trust her mother. Her mother knew her best "when?" Mia asked "you leave on the morning, I'll send a house elf to help you back" she said as Mia nodded. Narcissa walked over to her and kissed her head "I'm doing this because I love you, stay safe" she said as Mia smiled.


The next morning Mia sighed as she prepared to go and stay with snape as maya walked into the room and looked to her sister "promise me you will stay safe" she said "of course I will" Mia said as she hugged maya and smiled. Mia got to snapes as he looked to her and smirked "no funny business" she said as he looked to her and smirked "what kind of funny business" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes as he placed a hand on her cheek and leant in and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately as he lead her towards his bedroom where they stripped off. Mia moaned as he kissed her neck. She knew she was falling for him but could she last an entire summer and not fall in love with him completely?

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