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Mia sighed to herself as she sat in her bed in her dorm. She looked to the letter from narcissa and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. Mia knew that she hadn't wrote to her parents in a letter of weeks but she also knew that narcissa would notice a change in her if she did so. Mia looked as maya walked into her dorm and climbed into the bed next to her "hey" maya said as Mia looked to her and smiled. Mia couldn't help but think of snape and she couldn't get him off of her mind "Mia, are you okay?" Maya asked as Mia looked to her and sighed "no, not really my mind is a mess" Mia said as maya looked to her and smiled. Mia knew that she was slowly falling in love with snape, but she also knew that it was only going to cause her trouble.

Mia walked through the dungeons and sighed to herself as she ran a hand through her hair as she spotted snape. She groaned to herself as she turned around and walked into the opposite direction, Mia knew that she was being childish by avoiding him but she knew that the longer that she was around him that the weaker that it made her and Mia knew that she couldn't be weak, malfoys weren't weak. Draco stood in the dungeons and frowned as he noticed just how weird that Mia was acting. He knew that there was something going on with his sister and knew he was going to find out just what it was and report back to his mother, narcissa had expressed her concern towards both Mia and maya.


Mia groaned to herself as she was woken In the early hours of the night to the sound of banging at her dorm. She stood from her bed and groaned to herself as she answered the door and frowned as she saw snape who stood there looking at her. He smirked as he saw the tight top she was wearing. Mia crossed her arms over her chest and looked to him "it's the middle of the night, what the hell are you doing here" Mia asked as he looked to her and sighed "it's maya" he said as Mia looked to him and frowned "you better not of screwed her again" Mia said as he looked to her and sighed as he sat on the bed next to her and looked to her "it seems that your sister was attacked" snape said as Mia looked to him and frowned "what?" "I'm sorry, I'll take you to see her" he said as Mia nodded.

Mia stood on the hospital wing as she looked to  her sister "what happened?" Mia asked as she looked to her little sister and sighed as she saw narcissa and Lucius next to her bedside. "It seems that she was attacked by another student" snape said as Mia looked to Maya Mac and walked off. She wanted to kill whoever had hurt her baby sister "Mia?" Narcissa called as Mia ignored her and walked off as snape looked to her "I'll go after her" he said as narcissa nodded.

Snape followed Mia down the hall and found her pinning Ron Weasley to the wall with her wand pinned to his neck "'miss Malfoy, enough" he said as Ron ran off and Mia walked over to him "stop, the last thing your parents need is you getting in trouble" he said as Mia rolled her eyes at him "your not the boss of me" she spat as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall. She looked to him and smirked "what are you going to do?" She teased as he leant in and kissed her. She kissed him back passionately as he lead her to his dorm. He pushed her into the bed as they stripped off. He grabbed his wand and cast the conception spell before he pushed into her causing her to moan. Mia moaned as she started to ask herself if she could stay strong when it came to him or would he break her?

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