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Mia walked through Hogwarts. She had made sure that narcissa had taken luena back to the manor and she wanted to fight. She was going to make sure that she fought.

Mia wanted to fight for Severus he was gone and this meant everyone for her. She had to fight for her daughter and do what was best for the future and she knew that meant getting rid of the man that was responsible for her fathers death

Mia shot a spell out a death eater who aimed for Maya and looked to her and smiled

"Are you okay?" Mia asked as Maya nodded

"Stay safe and stay alone okay" Mia said as Maya nodded. Mia knew that this was the showdown of the war

Mia groaned as she dodged a cruse as her back hit a wall. She looked to see Antonin dolohov as he stood above her

"Well if it isn't Severus little whore" he spat as she looked to at him and glared as he pointed his wand at her. She reached behind her trying to find her own wand which had been disarmed

"Stupify" she heard someone say as she looked as he went flying across the air as mia sighed in relief as she looked to see her father

He helped his daughter to her feet and placed a hand on her cheek

"Are you okay" he asked as she nodded

"Now I am" Mia said. She knew how close dolohov had corn to killing her

Mia yelped as she was grabbed and pulled aside as she looked to see Draco. "Draco Lucius malfoy what the hell. Are you trying to kill me" she asked as he smiled

"Sorry but there's a death eater after you and I had to pull you away. Are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and frowned

She realised that for the first time since Severus had been killed it was the first time that someone had asked if she was okay

"I had a baby. I lost the man I love and we're in a middle of a war" she said as Draco pulled her into a hug and smiled

Mia didn't realise how much that she missed and how much that she needed a hug off of her twin brother

"I'm so sorry but I'm glad your okay. I'm glad your alive" he said as mia looked to her and smiled

"I'm glad your alive too I can't loose anyone else" Mia said as he looked to her and smiled

Mia stood out in the court yard as she looked to see the mess that the castle was. She knew that her mother was in the forest with her father, she had no idea where Maya was and she only hoped that she was safe

Mia frowned as she heard someone behind her as she gripped her wand. She turned around and frowned as she felt her blood run cold. She was speechless

"You" she said as the wand was pointed to her

"Avada kedevra"

Her body fell back with a bang. Mia malfoy was dead

The student and the potion master (Harry Potter)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें