chapter 26: wedding pt3

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Veronica's POV

V- "I'm just going to get changed"

A- "Okay"

I went into the washroom, put on a robe and took out the clips and stuff in my hair.

I soon came out and put my dress in the walk in closet.

V- "Now, where were we?"

A- "You tell me"

V- "My suprise"

I started to unbutton his suit, and he untied the robe. We threw our clothes on the floor and we started to make out.

A- "You're. So. Hot. Ronnie" he said in between kisses

We got under the sheets and we started to fuck.

He started to suck my neck, and that made me moan.

A- "Jeez Ronnie there are other people here"

V- "Sorry"

About two hours later we were tired, and Archie took a shower.

A- "Hey I made you a bath"

V- "Thanks Archie, your the best"

A- "I know"

By then it was like two am, but I didn't care. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep knowing I just got married.

I took a bath and got changed into some shorts and a hoodie, I came out and Archie was passed out on the bed.

I joined him and we both fell asleep.

Archie's POV

I woke up to a sleeping Veronica, I got up and called my dad

A- "Morning dad"

F- "Morning. How are you?"

A- "Good. Hey do you know when we get the keys to our apartment?"

F- "You get them whenever you and Veronica are packed and ready."

A- "Okay, thanks dad"

F- "No problem"

A- "Are Hiram and Hermione still there?"

F- "Nope, there flight was at six"

A- "Oh okay, well dad I got to go Veronica's awake. I'll see you at home"

F- "Bye"

I hung up the phone and went over to Veronica

A- "Good morning"

V- "Morning, what time is it"

A- "Ten. Do you want to go for breakfast?"

V- "Yes, let me get changed first"

She went into the bathroom and soon after came out

V- "Alright Mr Andrew's, let's go"

A- "Okay Mr Andrews"

There was a nice restaurant down in the lobby, we had to be checked out by three PM which gave us lots of time

V- "I'm going to get a fruit salad with yogurt on the side"

A- "Boring"

V- "Yeah I know"

We ate then headed up to the room to start packing.

V- "Alright, I think we're all set"

A- "Yeah, I didn't pack much"

We packed our suitcases in the car and started driving home

V- "Archie"

A- "Yes?"

V- "when we move into our apartment, can we get a pet?"

A- "Yeah, a puppy maybe?"

V- "I'd love that"

We soon arrived at the house, as soon as we got into our room there were empty boxes covering the floor

A- "Wow, they do really want us out"

V- "I guess we better start packing"

A- "So much work, I'm going to go play  xbox."

V- "Alright, I'll start packing"

Cheryl's POV:

Today I'm going to be suprising Toni with a new car. When Nana Rose died, she left me all of her money and fortune. I got about five hundred grand. I do miss my Nana though.

I got Toni a Mercedes Benz because I love her so much and she doesn't have money for a car right now.

T- "Cheryl where are we going" I was covering her eyes

T- "Seriously Cheryl I feel like I'm going to crash into something"

C- "Alright and open"

T- "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom!"

She then gave me a big hug. I could tell she was crying.

C- "Do you like it"

T- "I love it but, you didn't have to do this for me"

C- "Consider it our car"

T- "I love you so much"

C- "I love you"

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