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Kim song -After all the drama happen it was time to settle the hate once and Learn how to be a team will it ever work out ? •

Jyp entertainment •
Ceo - okay as of yesterday we had some drama between dahyun and momo plus the arrival of Kim song what this he said In stern face

Momo - sorry Ceo I didn't know I know I was being mean to her but she goes to our school and I don't like her

Dahyun - I agree she nothing but a loser I mean why did she had to join the company ?

As I was gonna cry Ceo told me to not cry and be strong .. look girls I never had any problems with you guys but she part of family now and you two gotta accept she itzy maknae now unless you both wanna be suspended or taken out of twice then show respect !!!

But -but said momo and dahyun getting scared ..

I want you two to apologize to her and then you can talk to leader jihyo about this so she can have a final word on you two because this unacceptable !!!

As they were walking to me they said we are sorry for our actions .. and it won't happen again I promise ...

It okay I um forgive you I guess ... they left and I was there being sad and hurt yet I didn't want to be upset because I mean it my debut week and I should be having fun ...

Ceo - okay Kim song it okay to cry I mean momo and dahyun been like this since the twice debut but I am sure if they do this they will be out of twice ..

Thank you Ceo again I am just go back to practice ...

As ceo words taught me to forgive other I should do the same to my brothers as I left I went back home to forgive them

•bts home "

As I knocked and I heard Jin voice ?? Who is it ? It me Kim song !!! He open it and hugged me . What are you doing sister don't tell you been kick out no lol I just came to talk to you guys .. it a long story but I explain later

Okay he said .. so what up can we all talk I mean I had wise words from my boss and now I know what I have to make right

As Jin called the others they were surprise to see me as we sat down and I said okay my dear brother as I am here to tell you I forgive you for. Everything including the beatings you give me when I wasn't perfect

I know we had our differences but you guys are still family and what I learn is never give up on family .. so I love you .

As they cried I wish we could take it back they said we love you always it just eomma and appa Died of crash not you said Taehyung and I am sorry if our girlfriends hurt you

It okay but hey I have to go already I have to be at practice at 5 so I see you later as I left

My brothers hate me  ( bts story )Where stories live. Discover now