Noble Six vs RvB: fight scene

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The lone Wolf waited as South and north charged him,

Unfortunately a buckshot from Six's shotgun managed to force the hot headed freelancer known as South to tumble and fall face flat.

(Quick explanation so they DO DIE but it's like in multiplayer except they have to recover VIA medical treatment)

As said twin fell to her inevitable defeat another buckshot to the head clearly ended her,

Meanwhile North and Wyoming tried to take the lone wolf's head off UNFORTUNATELY their bullets just bounced off of the kinetic energy Shields however unlike most shield technology, the lone Wolf's shield can take more than a brutal punishment.

The Spartan aimed his AR and let out a seemingly endless stream of bullets which all tore through Wyoming, as North looked over he turned back around to see a metal gauntlet slam into his visor leaving a VERY disturbing crack as well as a shotgun to the head point blank.

As the dickbiscuit duo noticed this locus activated his invisibility while Felix charged with his knife but the Spartan rammed into Felix and after the mercenary got up he tried to regain whatever was left of his strength....until two buckshots found his knee caps then as he saw what would have been his end, until a shimmer appeared and the dark green mercenary stabbed Six in the back yet as it would shock him....the blade cannot Pierce the titanium plated armor, instead he was met with a full clip to the head from Six's AR, and felix....well let's just say he can't have kids.

(Proven by a deathly screech and a sickening crack)

"HOLY FUCK MY EARS" shouted Tex as the freelancers actually witnessed the incident.

Maine then charged at Six and tried to use his raw strength only to prove futile as the Spartan grabbed both of Maine's arms, lifted him up, and slammed him into the ground, then stomping onto the back of his neck with a satisfying crack.

Meanwhile a chameleon of a freelancer inched closer and was slammed into the very wall she hid within only to be met with a buckshot to the face.

Wash and York tried to take Six on by themselves but the Spartan grabbed wash and (literally) used wash as a bat to knock York off balance then Six ended them both with a shotgun to the back of their skulls.

Georgia, Florida, and the three amigos (remember the 3 who were left on sidewinder? Yup they're back) all aimed their weapons in an attempt to tear through the Spartan... unfortunately a few grenades proved otherwise as Georgia looked up

"Please, have mercy" he didn't get mercy instead the Spartan flung him at Tex whom just watched.

As the two were in a heavy fist fight Six actually managed to punch THROUGH Tex throwing what little energy she had left into her final hit she managed to only scratch his armor to which her head flew towards the Sim troopers.

"FOR OUR ANCESTORS ANCESTORS!" shouted sarge as he and Tucker charged forward as Six had JUST stomped onto C.T. ending her life as quick as it started.

Which led Six into slamming his shotgun into Tucker's chest while knocking him back then ripping him up with the AR.

He then knee capped sarge and fired a buckshot to the man's skull. Simmons launched a rocket at the Spartan which ACTUALLY hit.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT WORKED!" shouted Simmons before receiving a kick to the skull along with a buckshot "fuck that didn't work!"

Caboose just sat there as grif raised his hands in defeat....before being kicked in the balls, yet as he fell the Spartan shotgunned his crotch and cocked his arm before yet ANOTHER sickening crunch was heard.

"Oh rough guy I like that" said sister as she watched the whole thing....before being downed by a buckshot.

Six gave caboose's helmet a small noogie then walked back to his team.

Meanwhile in a secret facility a man with Jade green eyes, glasses and a jaw dropped expression looked at the scene in complete horror.....until a sniper round flew from reach to his skull surprising him.....and obviously killing him.


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