Reach it

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"i'm so nervous my hands. are so sweaty" Bobby said to his manager Jackson.

Lisa was just looking around the busy gymnasium. Today is the day that she will deliver her speech in front of the whole student body.

Then she glance at her side then she looked closely at Jennie who seems to be her normal calm self.

"Jen, Lisa " Rose called out there names then she strode towards them like she owned the place.

"Chaeng why are you here, to do some scare tactics or to cheer us up?" Jennie smioed widely at her friend

"Well the later part is true for Lalisa here" Then she smiled at the younger blonde

"and maybe the first one for you" Rose said then smiled at ger friend

Rose looked at Jennie and lisa then she smiled when she saw that the younger girl's hands are slightly shaking from nervousness

"you really believe at Jennie unnie .huh? " Lisa said then she observed the shorter brunette who looks so relaxed sitting beside her.

"I see it for myself , well I know Jennie wont drop the  ball when it counts" Then she gave the brunette a comforting tap on the shoulder.

"Hey Manoban everything will be okay, if you messed up Jennie here will surely make it work" rose said then she smiled warmly at the cat eyed girl who is already flashing her famous gummy smile. Then she walked away leaving both girls.

After following Rose's retreating back she focused again on the cat eyed girl beside her.

"she really look so composed and relax" Lisa said to herself

Then she saw Jennie's hand shake but she concealed it by closing her fist.

"Ms. park" Lisa called out to one of the teacher.

"Yes Ms Manoban?" Their teacher asked

"can I have some air outside, just for a little while" Lisa said then show a small smile.

"yeah sure, but please return before the event starts okay?" Ms park said then she gave The taller blonde a reassuring smile.

"hey Lisa whats wrong?" Jennie asked the younger one with worry written all over her face

"unnie please come with me" Lisa said then she stood up

The shorter girl just looked quizzically at the tall blonde, then followed her at the rear door of the gym.

Lisa leaned on the wall beside the door then she looked up with her eyes closed then took a deep breath.

after that she looked at Jennie who is just watching her every move.

The taller blondes just took a deep breath again, still her eyes was closed

"Lisa, you looked so relaxed about this" Jennie said inspecting the younger girl closely

"well not as relaxed as you" Lisa said then she open one of her eye to observe the shorter brunette gawking beside her

"well I'm used to all of this" Jennie said then she smiled widely at the younger girl.

Lisa stood up straight after she hears this, as if ready for them to return inside the gym

"well that is good to know" Lisa said briefly then looked directly at jennie

"huh? you brought me her purposely?" Jennie said and the confusion slowly creep on her face.

"I just guessed that even if you're nervous it would be hard to admit." Then Lisa turned her back at the girl standing beside her.

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