Suddenly Suffocating

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then she noticed that jennie's place was empty beside her

Lisa saw this as an opportunity to confront the brunette about the issue that keeps on bugging her about the behavior of jennie yesterday.

Lisa walked outside to look for the said brunette, when Lisa steps outside the lounge she saw that Jennie is sitting on one of the bench under the tree. She looks so peaceful and serene as she watches the sun rises

Lisa slowly took steps to shorten the distance between the feline eyed girl  and her

"good morning jennie unnie"
Lisa mumbles softly to avoid startling the brunette

Jennie looked at Lisa then smiled

"good morning Lili"

The endearment made Lis a blushed a little but she composed herself

Jennie tap the space beside her but even before lisa could sit beside jennie
they looked to one another then said in unison

"where you,"

"Are you"

Jennie giggle then motion Lisa as if telling her to go ahead

"are you okay?" Lisa asked then look at jennie with concern written in her eyes.

"Maybe but it is locked and needs a password"
Jennie answered as she deliver her line as well

"uhmmm, without some sort of hint, I guess you'll have a hard time getting it unlocked,"

"I've been checking making sure I didn't write a note or keep something on me that would help but nothing yet"

"well it hasn't been long since you regained consciousness so don't rush it

" oh wait I have an idea, how about you try asking the people who know you about the memory they have of you?


I would rather die

"oh, only this day is circled for some reason, but nothing is written what could it have been?

" 021197"

"oww it unlocks"


I started thinking about being a replacement for my sister..


Is that really necessary,

Lisa asked herself as she stared at the play unfolding on the stage,

The parallels between Jennie and the character with the amnesia really is mind blowing

"jisoo is really scary"

Lisa says in her mind


From this day I just want to be by your side, I won't expect anything from you, you can go on just as you are, I only want to be the one who stays next to you.. "

Rose delivered her lines as she cups jennie's face then leaned and their foreheads touch

Jennie blushed at the action, then Rose slightly backed off to deliver her next line

" is that not enough " rose continues

" right now, I'm hardly even a peroson
"I have to choose who I want to be from here on out, yet I have no idea how should I go about doing that," the girl with amnesia answered as she hold her lovers hand.

Only you know (Jenlisa) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя