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🎵 Stand Up - James Bay🎵

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🎵 Stand Up - James Bay🎵

Red lights and blue seep through the curtains of Gale’s home.

The music stops and everyone bolts for the nearest exit possible.

She looks through the distressed crowd and finally realizes what’s going on.


“Come on!” someone yanks her out of her daze and they escape into the night through the garden.

The alcohol in her body causes her to lag behind the person gripping tightly onto her hand, but as soon as she sees the chaos going on in the front yard her legs pick up and she runs even faster than the person before her.

“Wait!” she is pulled away again and falls on to her back.

She groans and immediately tries to rub the pain away.


Everything is dark but she can still see the specks of red and blue lights from the cop’s car.

“What the fuck?” the alcohol slurs her words.

“SHhhh.” A hand covers her mouth but she has barely enough energy to shoo it away.

The leaves rustle and branches poke at her skin.

“Where are we?” her voice is muffled.

The person before her looks down at her half-conscious body.


She pulls the hand away from her mouth, “Where are we?”

“In a bush, now shut up or else we’re gonna be found out.”

The scent of cigarette and bitter beer reaches her and her mind slowly recalls to the only person who always seemed to smell like both.


She smirks and laughs, “Wassup babe.”

Dani laughs too, but her mouth is too heavy to lift into a smile that it only comes out as a struggled huff of air.

“Let’s go.” Jackie wraps Dani’s arm around her neck and drags her along to Mavis’s car.

“Jesus!” the girl behind the wheel jumps in fright as Jackie knocks on her car window.

“Nope, just me.” Jackie jokes while struggling to keep the mumbling girl in a half-excused standing position beside her, “Mind helping me out here, Mav?”

Mavis quickly jumps into action and carries the lump of drunken Dani into the backseat of her car.

“Get her sobered up before you drop her off.”

“Wait, you’re not coming? I can give you a ride.”

“Nah, I got my own.” Jackie points to her bike, already occupied by a masked driver.

To The Sad Youth [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now