Duties (NSFW)

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As Newt woke up, she was laying alone in her bed. She wrapped the blanket around her body like a dress, left the bed and found Grievous in the cockpit. The general was again trying to repair it, but Newt knew that he had absolutely no idea how – just like her. She never was interested in ships, something she regretted now.

"Stop destroying the ship even more", she told Grievous. "Dooku will send someone to get us."

"And what are we supposed to do until he's here?" Grievous coughed. It was ridiculous, watching him sitting on the floor and playing with that control panel.

"Are you water-proof?", Newt asked, grinning.

"What kind of question is that? But yes, I am, but not a good swimmer."

"There's a lake nearby. I want to swim a bit, and mostly, clean myself."

Grievous was reluctant to do so, but he eventually followed Newt. He even went into the water with her, but did not swim at all. The lake surrounded by a deep, large forest and had individual bays with dark, soft sand. He watched Newt, while she washed herself with the cold, clear water of the lake. She was standing not too far away from the riverside, since the middle of the lake seemed pretty deep and she was not able to stand there anymore. After she finished washing, Grievous approached her. He did not like walking in water, it felt strange and wrong for his cyborg body. He was only able to move very slowly.

"I think there's another thing we could do, while we wait", he said to Newt. Without waiting for her answer, he placed a hand between her legs. The touch aroused Newt immediately. 

"Do you want me, Neea?"

"I do", she answered softly. She spread her legs a bit, so Grievous was able to enter her entrance. One of his hands started playing with her breasts and another gripped her butt. He added a second finger. Newt was moaning loudly.

"Do you want other people to hear us?"

"I absolutely don't care."

"Then moan louder. Moan my name." Newt loved the way he was talking to her. Dominant, demanding. "You're a slut and I want everyone to know." His words let her body shiver. Grievous pushed another finger inside her and Newt screamed. It was too much for her, the stretching was almost painful. But it also was an extremely satisfying feeling. Grievous chuckled at her reaction.

"I'm... coming." A last, loud scream. Grievous felt her body tense. She began to twitch and pushed Grievous hands away. "You're killing me." She gave him a kiss before they both left the water, Newt got dressed and they went back to their non-functioning spaceship. 

The ship, Dooku had send to rescue the both, arrived at noon. It's weird, Newt thought. But if these thieves didn't robbed us, Grievous maybe would've never told me about his feelings. It felt strange to think like this, but Newt was happy about the unexpected event. But somehow her gut feeling was trying to tell her that something was off. Newt tried to ignore the feeling, telling herself that she was overreacting due to all these new and exciting experiences.

"I am very much satisfied with your work", her master told her later that day while they were walking down a long corridor. "You and Grievous are a good team."

"Thank you, master", Newt replied.

"Do you two get along better by now?" New couldn't help, but smiled.

"Yes, I think so."

"Good. Not that I would like Grievous very much myself but it is advantageous, you two get along. However, I already have a new mission for you. You can take Grievous with you, again, but you need to do the task."

"What do I have to do?"

"You need to kill Mace Windu." They had reached the door of Newts chamber. She nodded, opened her door and sat down on her bed.

I can't do this, she thought. I don't want to do this. But did she had a choice? She had to do what her master wanted her to do, even if she did not like it. She had done things she did not liked when she still was a padawan, she was used to it. But none of these things ever involved killing someone she knew for many years. Newt meditated for hours, trying to find a solution for her problem. You must do what's right, she heard her old masters voice saying. Maybe she could spare Mace and just ran away. Never going back to Serenno again. And then? She would be lost in this brutal, cold-hearted galaxy. What would Grievous think about her plans? Would he still like a traitor? Would he still stand on her side, if she ran away and left Dooku? Newt highly doubted that. Although Grievous was not a monster at all, he valued loyalty and solidarity. I'll do it, Newt decided eventually, but she was not able to fall asleep. Again and again, she thought about Mace, about Dooku and Grievous and about the so called right thing.

Maybe this mission was just a test. Dooku, trying to test her loyalty and obedience. Newt contacted Grievous the next day, asking him to come to Serenno and talk about the up-coming mission. He arrived just a few hours later and Newt led him into her chamber. She needed privacy and couldn't risk some droid spying on their conversation.

"Do you already miss me?", he asked, coughed and chuckled. "How about you start taking your clothes off then?" Grievous glanced around. Newts chamber was not small, but not very big either. She had a closet, a dresser, a mirror and a large bed with only one single pillow and a small, thin blanket. The stone-floor was the same as in the rest of Dookus estate and the walls had a beige to light brown colour.

"No, that's not why you're here", Newt replied miffed. "Dooku gave me a new mission and I want to talk about it with you."

"What do we need to do?"

"My mission is to kill Mace Windu, my old master. You'll accompany me and help me, but I need to kill him myself." She stopped for a moment, before she continued. "Please don't tell Dooku, but I don't feel very good about killing Mace. Even though we had our differences, he doesn't deserve to die."

"Neea, you need to do what your master wants you to", Grievous answered, somewhat softly. "Dooku is your master now. You need to listen to him."

"I know", Newt said and sighed. Grievous sat down on her bed, gripped her waist and pulled her onto his lap. "My dear, we will succeed. Believe me. We will win this war, and we will live together in the future. In our own property, far away from everyone else." Just imaging this filled Newt with pure-happiness.

"That sounds great", Newt admitted. She placed a kiss on Grievous' face mask. She pressed her face against his breast plate and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Everything will be fine", Grievous told her, and she really believed him. They talked about their plans for a while and spend most of the rest of the day in Newts chamber, cuddling and exchanging sweet nothings. Killing a jedi with someone like Grievous on her side would be easy. Newt was glad, she was not alone.
They would start the mission the day after tomorrow. Windu was supposed to be on Ryloth, probably together with other jedi or at least some clones. Instead of thinking about the mission, Newt tried to focus on the positive things, like her future life with Grievous.

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