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Four lightsabers. How was she supposed to win a fight against someone with four lightsabers? Her rival rotated the glowing swords in his hands and came closer, slowly. It was a frightening view. This must be some kind of new battle droid, the woman thought. The person she mistook for a droid was tall, taller than two meters, and made out of white metal. It's probably a new model. He had four arms and four lightsabers, blue and green colored, but he did not seem to be able to use the force. The droid attacked her, but she was able to block the attack with her own lightsaber. Then she made a gesture with her hand to push him away. It worked and he did not even try to fight back. The woman ran towards him, jumped into the air, landed directly in front of him and attacked him. He blocked all of her attacks and when he attacked her himself, he did it carefully and almost weakly.

She had no problem avoiding his actions. This thing doesn't want to kill me, she realised. I'm gonna win this fight. With another movement of her hand she pushed him away, until his back was pressed against a wall. With the help of the force, she held him down, disarmed him and put her sword against his throat.

"Enough!", a male voice yelled. "Newt wins this duel." The woman put her lightsaber away. „General Grievous, I am disappointed in you. I am training Newt since only a few weeks and yet, she is stronger than you and was able to win against you." The white-haired, old man shook his head.

"My rival isn't even force-sensitive, master", Newt explained.

"Yes, I am aware of that", Count Dooku replied and crossed his arms. "And he didn't try to do his best."

"I think my partner didn't want to hurt me." Newt knew that saying something like that sounded stupid. Battle droids were not able to feel emotions like mercy or sympathy. But she felt some kind of restraint from the droid while fighting. 

"If I wanted to kill you, I'd do it right now", the droid replied with anger in his voice. He then began to cough very loudly and long. How weird, Newt thought. Droids don't cough.

"Reconcile your differences", Dooku said, turned around and left the training room. Newt was alone with the droid and just looking at him made her feel sick. She never saw something like that, so tall and scary, a true killer-machine.

"Dooku's training is very differently from the jedi-training", Newt explained to her rival. "When I was fighting against another jedi padawan, our masters always made sure that nobody got hurt. It was never very serious or very brutal."

"Why are you telling me this?", the cyborg asked and coughed.

"I don't want to hurt someone that's standing on my side. You're a general, right? So you're important for my master. Even if I have no idea how a droid was able to get that far, I still don't want to deactivate you." General Grievous pulled out one of his lightsabers.

"I am not a droid", he replied, with anger in his voice. Newt made a step backwards. The scales fell from her eyes. He was a cyborg, not a druid. He still had emotions and probably also still some parts of his old, own body under these metal plates.

"I am so sorry, general. I didn't know that." Grevious came closer, but Newt had no intention in fighting against him again. He stared at her for a moment with his yellow, reptile-like eyes. Then he put his sword back, cursed under his breath and left the room. Newt watched him leaving. Despite his size, the four arms and all his lightsabers, he almost seemed weak and fragile in this moment. She felt his insecurity. His back was crooked and all the coughing did not sound very healthy either. Also, the term droid really seemed to anger him. She felt bad for calling him that name, it must have been like an insult for him.

What a weird day, Newt thought, shrugged it off and tried not to think about it any longer. She went back to her room. When she was not training with her new master, Newt would spent most of the day inside her room, meditating or reading books. Sometimes she would wander through his property, even though Dooku did not really like that. So far, she haven't seen much of Serenno and Dooku obviously did not want to change that. Newt often would go out alone, since she had no other company here than Dooku and some droids. During her time as a jedi she often was annoyed by the close solidarity there, but now she started missing her life in the temple. At least she missed her friends, but leaving the jedi was a thing she did not  really regret. She was convinced, that the jedi were not as great as they used to be and she often had the feeling she was not very welcome in the jedi community. Maybe the people around her felt her dark side or maybe they just did not like her. Newt did not care about that anymore. She always tried to be herself and do her best. She wanted to be stronger and braver, she wanted to improve herself. She wanted power and riches, something jedi were not allowed to have.

And nevertheless, she also wanted to be loved. Newt never told her master about feeling lonely on Serenno. She liked Dooku, more than she liked her old master, but she also knew that showing any kind of weakness was not something people like her did. Newt also used to tell herself, everything would change eventually. Soon she would be allowed to go on missions, to fight against real enemies and to gain more power. She just had to be patient.

Still lonely together (General Grievous x OC)Where stories live. Discover now