Dare #39, 40, 41...

280 3 5

???: This is where he said it was supposed to be. knocks on the door*

Me: shouting from inside* Come in!

???: opens the door*

Me: runs to door* Hello, Light!

Light: Hi, Max. It has been a while, hasn't it?

Me: Yeah, maybe 2 years or so.

Light: Where are the others?

Me: They're in our dare room, cuz we were just about to start doing the dares for today.

Light: Cool, can I get to see them?

Me: Sure.

We both walk to the dare room

Me: Everyone, look who is here!

Everyone else:  looks over*

Phoenix: Who is that?

Light: I'm Light and Max and I have been friends since we were just newly born.

A/N: This is her form:

Pokemon: Shinx
Name: Light
Age: 15
Likes: Electricity, speed, and contests.
Dislikes: Candy, sweet things, and to lose in contests.
Crush: Thunderstorm

Dawn: Cool, can we just start with the dares now?

Sunsetstone: Yeah, can we?

Me: Ok, ok.

Light: Can I read one?

Me: Ok!

Light: The first one is from AmethystandScourge and he/she dares the girls to battle the guys.

Ribbons: But I don't want to hurt any of you.

Icicle: Me neither.

Dusk: But a dare is a dare, so you have too.

Icicle: If you say so. uses ice beam on Dusk*

A big war starts
3 days later

Half of the boys and half of the girls have fainted

Ribbons: I think I gotta heal them.

Light: Isn't it better to go to a hospital?

Ribbons: Yeah, you're right.

At the hospital

Dusk: Owwww.

Me: I didn't know you have gotten so strong Light.

Alex: Will they be okay?

Dr. Alolan Raichu: Yeah but they can't do anything too crazy for a while.

Alex: Understood.

Dawn: Time to get back home. teleports us back to the dare room*

Aqua: What does the next dare say?

Dawn: This one is from Force14Gaming2004 and he dares us to make our own Pokemon game.

Thunderstorm: Sounds easy.

Light: Trust me, it's hard.

Another three days later

Dusk: And it's finally done! Pokemon: Life of an Eevee!

Dawn: Now when we're done with that, next dare!

Me: This one is from Fluffeon and he dares us to jump off a bridge.

Dawn: teleports us to a bridge*

Sunsetstone: Bye guys! jumps off* Weeeee!

Light: jumps* Aaaah!

Everyone else jumps*

Dawn: Teleports us back before we hit the ground*

Solarflare: What's next?

Me: I don't think we have anymore dares.

Dawn: Good then we can end.

Eucalyptus: Byyyyeeee!

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