Dare #21, 22

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Solarflare: Guuuuuys!

Ribbons: What is it?

Solarflare: We've gotten dares!

Dawn: What do they say?

Solarflare: The first one is from fnafdemon and he/she dares us to play all levels in geometry dash without raging. The one who rages gets a punishment that says to wear a pink dress and sing Barbie girl.

Thunderstorm: picks up phone* Should we start?

Me: Why not?

Everyone: picks up phone*

Dusk: This is impossible! rage*

Eucalyptus: Hah! You raged! pulls on Dusk a pink dress*

Dusk: This is gonna be embarrassing starts singing* I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world! Life in plastic, it's fantastic! You can brush my hair...

Everyone except Dusk: laughs*

Dusk: Thank God that this is over!

Icicle: Next dare?

Sunsetstone: Ok, and this one is from Force14Gaming2004 and he dares us to react to random memes.

Dusk: That was weird and even weirder.

Alex: cringes* Bye! Don't forget to leave asks and dares!

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