Dare #3

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Icicle: Have we gotten any dares or asks today?

Me: Yup, it's from minhhoang2092004 and he dares us to meet his crew.

Eucalyptus: Let's bring 'em in then!

They all came in

Sunsetstone: Oh cool, another Eevee!

Sunlight: Hi, what's your name?

Sunsetstone: My name is Sunsetstone and yours?

Sunlight: I'm Sunlight!

Sunsetstone: Cool, wanna hang out?

Sunlight: Yes!

They went out from the dare room*

Bolt: Hi!

Thunderstorm: Hi! I'm

Bolt: I'm Bolt!

Eucalyptus: Please stop yelling.

Bolt and Thunderstorm: Ok...

Dandelion: Hello!

Eucalyptus: Oh, Hi!

Dandelion: What's your name!

Eucalyptus: I'm Eucalyptus.

Dandelion: And I'm Dandelion!

Eucalyptus: Cool, let's go to my garden.

They went to Eucalyptus garden*

Blast, Bergon and Ember: Hi!

Solarflare, Phoenix and me: Hello!

Blast: I'm Blast!

Bergon: I'm Bergon!

Ember: I'm Ember and I was actually created by Maxigalaxi!

Solarflare! Cool, I'm Solarflare!

Phoenix: Nice, I'm Phoenix!

Me: And I'm Max!

We became best friends

A/n: This was going to take forever so:

Icicle and Shard went shopping

Star and Ribbons went to catch butterflies

Ruby and Dawn went to a restaurant

Night and Dusk went to watch train to Busan

Rainer and Aqua went to the Beach

After like 3 hours everyone were back

Me: Should we end the dare here?

Aqua: Yup!

Everyone: Bye!

Eucalyptus: Ask and dare everyone!

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