To Cybertron

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The next day was somber, the 'bots found it hard to leave the planet they had learned to call home and the family they had made. Nova had it hardest of all though as Optimus spoke, "Thought our home world is once again capable of supporting life, we have much rebuilding to do. Alas, we will miss our home away from home, and the family we've made here."

"If Cons are still out there won't Earth be on their Radar?" Raf asked worried.

"Raf. If you ever need me, need us, for any reason...we're just a space bridge away." Bee reassures.

"Besides we'll be in good hands with you, Jack, and Miko continuing to serve Unit E. In a semi official capacity." Fowler stated

"Woah, we're agents?!" Miko asked in excitement.

"Consultants. Till your of age." June added.

"I trust that Unit E doesn't have any rules for forbidding the enlistment of rusty old Autobot consultants?" Ratchet says. This shocks all of them because he was the one most wanting to leave Earth to return home.

Arcee voices her thoughts and said,"Ratchet? You of all-"

"Ep Ep. I know where I am needed." Ratchet interrupted.

Soon everyone is getting things together to leave...which is proving to be harder than they hoped. Nova was talking with her human friends as though they were discussing something.

Jack looked her over, "This is it...isn't it?" he asked as the mere hinting tone made Miko clench her fist.

"Yeah...can you tell?" she said lightly.

"It's a little obvious." He replied.

"You could've said." Miko interrupted.

Nova looked blank, "You mean the obvious?"

"You know what I mean." She snapped folding her arms, "I-I'm sorry it's just...I still can't help but feel jealous." She admitted.

"Miko, I'm only joining them to Cybertron.......Maybe I should....."

"You don't have to be dramatic." Miko interrupted again. "Just...would've been nice if you told us as well."

"Y-You upset with me?" Nova asked hesitantly, after all Miko had a mean hit for the stomach.

"Frag yeah!" she blurted, "But I guess you're not a total jerk." She approached as Nova slightly tensed coming to expect physical interpretation, and well, it was physical but not what she expected admit ably. It was a hug of all things despite how annoyed she was with her, Nova looked Miko over as she leant her head on her shoulder, it was small but she noticed her eyes were quivering from tightening so much as a slight glaze between her eyelids were present also.


"Y-You say...anything a-and I'll kick you someplace I've never kicked before." She sorely threatened.

She grit her teeth, "O-Okay but I might have to fight back, I have some form of dignity you know." Miko let go as she brushed a hand over her face swiftly, "Miko, I know how much you want to come, and I'm sorry it had to be like this...but please don't make me say it."

Miko nodded slowly, "I'm not asking you to, lucky for you we both know. So you can keep up your 'nice' guy act." She said.

"'Act'?" Nova muttered as Miko lightly punched her.

"Joke." Miko said. "Just make sure you get a good look of the place, then when you come back I bet Raf can bring up the imagery from that things processor." She winked making Nova cringe. "And get some of those 'illusion' pictures, ones that look like your holding up a building or hold up their moons with two hands."

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