"You've been sober for eight years. Kerry, don't compare yourself to her. She was depressed and she was ill when she made the decision to take her own life. You are not her"

"I haven't told Dom" I confessed and wrung my hands in my lap.

"And Aoki can't tell him either. There are only three people in this world that know about this and they are me, you and a therapist bound by doctor-patient confidentiality. We were discreet. Aoki can't know thus she can't tell anyone"

"I'm scared, Yaya" I put my head on her shoulder.

"We'll get through this then someday when you're ready you will tell Dom. Trust me, right now is the worst time for you, for him, for our family" she assured me.

The following week, I had been given Monday and Tuesday off. Neither Dom nor I showed our faces at the office or in public except to see each other at our respective current homes. I was in my dad's house and he was staying at his aunt's place. 'No reporters on and close to the property' policy protected us and our privacy. I had seen him briefly on Monday evening then again on Tuesday morning before his family's interview.

The plan was to show up together at work like normal right after our morning interview on Wednesday. I had survived Monday and Tuesday watching our plan go in action and then finally on Wednesday, it was Dom and my turn to tell our story.

A driver picked Dom and I up in the company vehicle and drove us to the studio where the interview was going to take place. We were quickly escorted inside as people tried to take our photos. As instructed by the publicist, we walked head held high and hand in hand as we were taken inside.

We were led to a two seater couch on the left side of the stage, slightly facing the arm chair across the stage. We took our seats, Dom drew me closer to him and held my hand. The host of the show came over introduced herself and took her seat. The publicist and fixer were standing facing us at the end of the room, ready to come to our rescue if anything went wrong.

The cameras started rolling and the interview begun.

"Good morning. Welcome to the Breakfast show. I'm your host, Angeline Brew. Today, we continue our three part series of the scandal that not only took our city but the country and world at large by storm. Like I mentioned, you have heard one side of the story and this week we are privileged to have the couple and the families tell their story"

"This morning, we have Dominic Chase and Kerington Effah, the couple at the centre of story here in our studio. They will tell us their love story and we would catch a glimpse into their love life as we hear what's true and what's not. Stay tuned"

I exhaled as the studio went on a commercial break that would last thirty seconds before we were back on air. I held Dom's hand tighter when the cameras started rolling again.

"Yes viewers, we have Mr. Dominic Chase and Miss Kerington Effah in our studio. Welcome you two" she smiled warmly at us and Dominic responded for us both, "Thank you having us"

"You're looking sharp as usual in your Chase Men suit" she complimented the navy blue suit Dom had chosen to wear today and then focused on me, "Kerington, what a classic outfit. Tell us, does he pick out your outfits?"

I was happy she started on a lighter note, I laughed softly, "No. I did this all by myself"

I had worn a ruby red high-waisted pencil skirt with its matching top that hang loosely over my torso and ended midriff. The beaded sleeves barely covered my shoulders and the white glassy beads were an elegant touch.

"So how did you two meet?" She continued.

Dominic and I retold that story together and the follow-up question was inevitable.

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