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Myles POV
I woke up and surprisingly she was still on the phone . She looks so cute sleeping so I took a screenshot. I left my phone on the bed and went to do my morning routine.

I come back and decided to wake her up. I was about to say something when I was cut off.

"Get up Jenny we're here." Who the fuck is that.

Jenny's POV
I was sleeping peacefully then boom I'm woken up by loud creatures jumping on me. "Get up Jenny we're here!" Oh. My. God.

"JACK! MASON! Oh my god what are y'all doing here? Why aren't you back home?

"Jenny its been like a month and some days since we saw you. Plus our moms said we could come with them since they have a fashion show here in Arizona." Mason says excited. Did I forget to mention they're cousins and their moms are sisters, Mary King and Elle King. "This is amazing, but what about school?" I asked. "Umm we can say Mason caught the flu for a week and I was helping him." Jack says. "Why do I have to be the one to catch the flu? Why not you?" Mason says. "Cause you're a dickhead." I say and laughs.

"Um hello." Oh damn I forgot about Myles being on FaceTime. "Who's that guy?" Mason and Jack say with a smirk. "This is Myles. He's a friend I met at school." I say. "Well thats new. No guy ever really talked to you besides us." Jack says. "I know, but he seemed really nice yesterday so..." they looked at me then at then phone. "Can he come over?" Um what? "Umm I-" they smirk at the phone. "Yeah can I come over?" He says. "Pleaseeee?!?" All three of them say. "Fuck it fine!" I say. "Can I get dressed now?" I say. "Do we have to get out?" Jack asks. "Yes." He rolls his eyes. "Why I've seen you naked before." He says. "Yeah because you walked in the bathroom when I was about to get dressed." He laughs. "Plus all three of us used to take baths together." Mason says. "That was in kindergarten. We're juniors." I say. "Anyways y'all get out and I'll see you when you get here." I tell Myles, Jack, and Mason. "Send me the address." Myles say then hangs up. We were on FaceTime for ten hours. Wow.

"You have a crush. Aww." Mason says. "I just met him yesterday. No feelings at all." I say pushing them out my room. "Jenny and Myles sitting in a tree. K- i- s- s- i- n- g. First comes love. The. Comes mar-" Children these days. "Jack, if you finish that little thing, that will be your last words before you die." I yell from my closet. "Damn girl fine." He yells back.

I finish getting dressed then added some perfume and lip gloss. Soon the door bell rang. "We'll get it." Mason and Jack say. I stepped out my room and made my way downstairs. "Hey y'all." They all turned around and dammit Myles was looking extra fine. A black shirt, jeans with rips, and black vans. I think he noticed me checking him out and smirked. Dickhead. "Damn Jenny you look fine as hell." Mason says then laughs. "I can't say the same for you." I smile and say. "Anyways what are we gonna do for the rest of the day?" I ask.

Myles POV
She looks so gorgeous right now. A blue sundress with white slip on toms. Her curves are very prominent. "Lets go to the mall." I say. She looks at me then she looks me up and down. Then she looks at her best friends. I guess for confirmation. "Alright I'm down." Jack says. Then Mason nods. "Alright lets go." Jen says. "We're going in your car loser." Jack says to Jenny.

I can't lie and say I'm not jealous. But I love how she's comfortable with them. I kinda think mason likes her but she's oblivious to it and he doesn't want to tell her right now. Yes it bothers me that I want to be the first guy to love her, but they're her best friends and they've known her longer. They know everything about her. They even seen her naked before. I haven't even seen a belly button yet. But I guess they're pretty cool. When I got to her house they looked at me weirdly then started treating me like I was there friend. I'm not really used to that but it's fine.

"Last one to get to the car is a bitch." Jack says then takes off. Mason runs after, then Jenny, then me. Let's just say Jack lost. "No fair." He huffs. "You're a bitch man." Jenny says. "Oh and I didn't even hugs you guys. Thanks for coming. She says then hugs both of them. Then she turns to me and smiled at me. I smiled back. I wanted a hug too, it kind of hurt when she didn't give me one, but I played it off. "Thanks for coming too. Maybe you can teach these dickheads not to be dickheads." She laughs. "Let's go losers. She says and hop in the car. I got in the front and Jack got in the back with Mason. "Jenny be careful. Last time you drove we almost ran into a building." She rolls her eyes. "Y'all were literally arguing over some bitch and you guys literally fought in my backseat. So shut the hell up and put your seatbelts on." She says. "You too Myles." She says and looks at me. I didn't put it on though. "Dude put it on." Jack says. I look at him and smirk. "Fine. What the fuck. Forget it. But when your dumbass fly through the windshield and die I'll spit on you." She says. Then everyone bust out in laughter, including her. "I cannot take your short ass seriously." Mason says. "Shut up remember I beat your ass." She said smirking. "That was in third grade stop mentioning that." I tried to hold in my laugh. "It's not funny." He says.

This day was fun as hell. Mason and Jack are cool as hell. Still childish, but it's cool. We were leaving the mall when I saw a person I never wanted to see. Ever.

"Well if it isn't Myles and the new whore." She says.

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