Season 2 - Chapter III

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Chapter III

The crew had just finished shooting episode 17 and the tensions between Matthew and Harry had decreased. Episode 18 was going to be a big one and, after he read the script, Matthew was feeling anxious. They had to do the flashback to Magnus' and Alec's first time having sex and other emotional Malec scenes, including their breakup.

Matthew and Harry hadn't spoken to each other since that day at their trailers, but they did right before they shot their scenes.

- Hey Matt. Are you ready for our scenes? - Harry said without making eye contact.
- Uh... yes, yes I am. Let's get this over with. - Matt replied with a cold tone.

They were filming the flashback to their characters' first time and things got heated. Alec and Magnus were the ones making out, but it was Matthew's and Harry's hearts that were racing. Their kissing wasn't technical, it was passionate, and they were both enjoying it so much that they forgot their lines once they got in bed.
*they jump in bed, Magnus is on top of Alec*

Magnus: That was graceful.
Alec: (...) I forgot my line.
They couldn't take their eyes off of each other, but they had to play it out. Matthew couldn't think about anything else, he wanted Harry so badly and there he was, making out with him. Harry didn't pull back from the kissing, he was into it. Perhaps this was enough confirmation that, what Harry felt for Matthew, was more than a friendship.

They had to re-do the scene and, this time, they managed to get through the whole thing. There was a shine in Harry's eyes as he took Matthew's shirt off and saw his beautifully sculpted body.
*they make out and then jump in bed, Magnus is on top of Alec*

Magnus: That was graceful.
Alec: Shadowhunter.
Magnus: Oh.
*Magnus gets off Alec after they make out*
Alec: What? Am I doing something wrong?
Magnus: No such thing.
Alec: Well... what, do you not want to?
Magnus: No, I mean, yes. Of course I do.
Alec: Magnus, what is it?
Magnus: It's just, sometimes... I lose control.
*Magnus looks Alec in the eyes, showing his cat eyes*
Alec: Magnus... they're beautiful. You're beautiful.
Matthew meant what he said. Harry's eyes were, indeed, beautiful, as was he. The two kept looking each other in the eyes until the director said "cut". They were in love, they wanted each other. Emeraude was there, watching the two and she was so proud and moved by them that she even teared up. She could feel their love, their passion and their enthusiasm. She could feel how much they wanted each other.

As the crew wrapped things up, Matthew and Harry left to their trailers and Emeraude followed them. The two love birds barely said a word the whole way, but they'd look at each other and smile in a way that they've never smiled before. They were both blushing and Matthew couldn't stop biting his lip. Em stopped them when they were away from everyone and hugged them both.

- That was AMAZING! - she said with a huge smile in her face.
- What... are you talking about, Em? - Matt questioned as he frowned and Harry did the same. They knew exactly what she was talking about.
- Guys... come on. Spare me. - she rolled her eyes.
- Well... I uh... I don't know. - Matt said with a confused look in his face and shrugged.
- No idea. - Harry intervened.
- Right... - Em chuckled - I'll leave you two alone. - she winked at Matthew and left.

Matt's reaction to what Emeraude had just done was exactly the same as Alec's when Magnus told him he had been in 17000 relationships

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Matt's reaction to what Emeraude had just done was exactly the same as Alec's when Magnus told him he had been in 17000 relationships. Harry couldn't help it so he laughed at Matt's reaction. He looked so cute and adorable that Harry just couldn't miss the opportunity. Once the duo got to Matthew's trailer, they stopped at the door and talked.

- We should uh... we should go inside and talk in there. - Matt said in a nervous and shy manner.
- Yes, we should. - Harry agreed and smiled. He couldn't resist Matthew.

Matthew opened the door and Harry walked in. He followed him and closed the door behind them.

- What just happened? - Matt questioned and laughed right after. He was blushing.
- I honestly have no idea, but it was good. - Harry replied with a huge smile on his face - Matt, look... I know that I hurt you the other day, but you have to believe me when I say I'm sorry because I really mean it. Every time me and Shelby fought, I'd think of you and everything would just... go away. You know I've always seen you as a great friend, but after that wedding scene with the kiss, my problems with Shelby, that... - he paused for a while and took a deep breath - awful night, it all made me realize that I no longer saw you as just a friend.

Harry had just bared his heart to Matthew and he didn't know what to do. He remained silent after hearing Harry's speech. Matt was conflicted: he didn't know if he should just tell Harry or not. What if they were just caught up in the moment and Harry doesn't feel anything? He couldn't bear getting hurt again after he had just decided to give Harry another chance.

One more chapter out! By the way, I put that gif for context for those of you who may not know what I'm talking about. Enjoy! 😊

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