Season 2 - Chapter II

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Chapter II

Matthew was broken and so was Emeraude, she couldn't bear seeing Matt that way. A few days had gone by and you could still feel the tension, anger and sadness in the air whenever both Harry and Matthew were in the room. Matthew couldn't face Harry, he was too broken, so shooting Malec scenes was really hard for him. But, as any professional actor, he did his job.

Harry felt bad for what he had said to Matthew, but he couldn't face him either. He was embarrassed and angry at himself. As the crew wrapped up the filming, Emeraude went over to Harry's trailer. Harry didn't really know what to say and couldn't face her.

- Harry, we need to talk about what happened the other day...
- I... I know, but I just don't know what to say or do, Em. I was so embarrassed to be seen like that and then I said those... awful things to Matthew and I just... I just couldn't believe that happened. - Harry was starting to tear up.
- We know you didn't mean it... well, I do, but Matthew was broken. It pained me to see him like that. - she sighed - You need to talk to him, Harry.
- I want to, Em, I really do, but I don't know how.
- Just go over to his trailer and try to talk to him. I'm sure he'll forgive you. - Em replied and smiled, comforting Harry.

Harry let out a heavy sigh and then stood up, smiled at Emeraude and walked out of the trailer. He was still in Magnus' outfit and makeup and Matthew also had Alec's outfit and runes on. Harry knocked, no answer. Matthew looked out the window and took a deep breath. He didn't want to let Harry in, but at the same time he did. He opened the door and Harry walked in. They avoided eye contact and Harry still had tears in his eyes.

- What do you want? - Matt said with his hands on the table.
- Look, I know that you most likely hate me right now, but I just wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day. I-I was really drunk and I had just broken things up with Shelby... so I couldn't think straight.
- No, no, no. I'm not dealing with this right now. Get out. - you could tell by Matthew's tone that he was on the edge.
- Matt... please. I'm sorry.
- I said get out! - he yelled at Harry after slamming the table with his hands and teared up.

Harry walked out of Matthew's trailer with tears in his eyes. He went back to his own trailer and Emeraude was still there. She saw him crying and immediately hugged him.

- Oh Harry... what happened?
- I was right... he hates me, Em, and he's right. I'm such an asshole. - Harry replied and wiped his tears.
- Don't say that... give him some time, you'll see he'll feel better soon. - she smiled.
- Whenever Shelby and I had a fight, I'd think of Matthew and everything would go away. What's going on with me? - Harry laughed at what he had just said.
- Maybe you feel something for him. I... I don't know.
- I'm getting divorced. How can I feel something for a co-worker? A friend I care so much about?
- Love works in mysterious ways. Just give Matthew some time and don't give up on him.

Emeraude was trying to comfort Harry and it worked. Harry was now the one that was unsure about his feelings. He didn't know what it was and now that things had gotten ugly, he also didn't know if he'd ever figure it out. Emeraude gave Harry a hug before she head out. She went over to Matthew's trailer and he let her in immediately. He collapsed in her arms and they hugged tightly as he cried.

- Matt... don't be like this. - Em said as she began to tear up - I don't like seeing you like this.
- Em... I told Harry I didn't forgive him, but... I want him so bad. You have no idea.
- I can imagine. He means it tho, Matt. He truly is sorry for what he said and... just like I told you, it wasn't him speaking.
- I... I know, but I was so broken that I just... can't let it go.
- You have to, Matthew. You said so yourself, you want him badly, so give him a chance.
- I don't know if I can, Em. Esther and I are still together. I can't do that to her.
- She'll understand, I'm sure. All she wants is to see you happy.
- I have a lot to think about, don't I? - Matthew's gorgeous, majestic smile surfaced - Thank you so much for always being there for me, Em.
- I told you I'd always be there for you. - Em smiled.

They said their goodbyes and Emeraude went over to her trailer. Matthew was feeling better after their conversation, but he still felt a bit broken. He knew he wanted Harry, badly, but, just as before, he didn't know if Harry felt the same way.

Here's chapter 2, enjoy! Also, thank you for the support! 😊

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