I · Escape

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here it is, the first actual chapter ^^ im really excited to finally share this story! ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)

also, isnt it funny how i'm posting the first chapter of a story about ace on the 10 year anniversary of his death? wild...(T▽T)

- chapter 1 -

[ Six years ago ]

"Come on, move, we don't have all day!" a purple haired man with a rather annoying voice cried out, a leather mask covering half of his face, "I want to get rid of you freaks as soon as possible!"

With a roll of your eyes, you only huffed as another male proceeded to secure heavy handcuffs around your wrists before guiding you in the back of a rather large truck. Three more people were inside, you being the fourth to enter.

The square-nosed male that guided you inside was unlike majority of the people working here at Enies Lobby; his name was Kaku, a newbie at the job, but kindhearted enough not to discriminate too heavily. He even offered a small and almost apologetic smile as he shut and secured the sliding doors, locking you four inside. The last thing you heard was the other's incredibly annoying laugh. He was Spandam, among the highest ranking people here - if not the most high ranking, in command of pretty much everyone.

You sighed, leaning your head against the metal wall behind you as the truck's engine roared to life. There was a small, barred window that gave you limited view of the drivers; Kalifa, a blonde woman with glasses and a serious look in her blue eyes, and Jabra, a man with his hair styled in a somewhat odd ponytail, and just as odd facial hair. He had a permanent smug grin on his features, whereas Kalifa looked as strict and stiff as ever.

When the truck began to move, you momentarily closed your eyes. Both agents had their eyes on the road and idly chatted, though none of you could hear it - you could only see their lips move and nothing else.

"Oi, where are we being taken?" one of the other imprisoned people asked, and you cracked open one eye to look at him; green haired, slightly tanned skin, with muscle in all the right places, though barely visible under the baggy orange jumpsuit. You knew simply because you happened to have caught him being trained every now and then.

Roronoa Zoro, a teenager with the same ability as an ex-prisoner of Enies Lobby, Daz Bones. Both males had the ability to turn any part of their body into deathly sharp blades, though the former had used said ability to take his own life, his last words were forever etched into your mind; "I would rather be dead than locked up in one of your shitty jails." Zoro had been brought at Enies Lobby a while after Daz had died, maybe around half a year or so.

"Did you fall asleep when they were talking about it?" you mumbled tiredly, before sitting upright and opened both eyes -and if he actually did do that, toy wouldn't be surprised. "Impel Down, unfortunately. If we're lucky, we'll get thrown in Level 6... They barely check that one."

Everyone tensed up at your words, even the oldest in the truck. A male whose power allowed him to create, manipulate, and turn into sand. One of his hands was missing, and according to him, he used to have a golden hook as its replacement before being captured. His black hair was slicked back, only a single stray hair falling into his eyes. He went by Crocodile, though nobody really knew if that was his real name. His grey eyes fell on you, as cold and judgemental as ever, though a hint of curiosity lingered in his gaze and you could tell.

"How would you know what Level 6 is like? You look no older than fifteen." he commented.

"Close enough," you responded with a head tilt, "I'm sixteen, congrats on the very close guess. And, well, I happen to have spent a few months there. I was deemed... unstable, when first captured. It wasn't pleasant."

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