Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"A blue dress?"

"Yeah, it'll go so nicely with her red hair and her pale skin, you know? Some nude heels, a little sparkly pair of earrings, she'll look stunning." Claire had everyone's outfits planned in her head, even Jack's, despite knowing she'd hate it and complain the whole time.

Laura locked eyes with Ryan, who'd overheard their conversation with little difficulty thanks to Claire's loud voice, and he only nodded to her. Their little plan, it seemed, might work after all.

Jack shook her head at Claire's passion. She never understood fashion, all clothes looked the same. But if it meant something for her to go, she'd go, and she'd deal with the dress and the glitz for a few hours at least, enough to take advantage of the free food.

She let the three walk on ahead, Ryan and Andrew leading the way. Jack was far enough back that she could hear Isaac and Oliver mumbling to themselves. She wasn't paying much attention until Oliver suddenly perked up.

"Oh!" Oliver remembered. "When can I play on your new PlayStation?"

"Shh!" Isaac glared at him.

"What's the secrecy for? Are you worried people will steal it? No one here would. Girls don't play games and the wolves can't, so it's just us." Oliver scoffed, knowing that wolf eyes were too sensitive for prolonged time in front of a screen.

"I've only had it for a day dude." Isaac grumbled.

"Come on, you have to let us play! What games do you have? Do you have four controllers?"

Isaac's eyes lit up. "I have Dark Souls, Skyrim and Assassin's Creed now."

Oliver's jaw dropped. "You have Dark Souls?! No, dude, I only have MarioKart and you already beat me at that, I have no chance of winning against you in any of those!"

"Maybe you and the guys can come round and I can beat you all again and again."

"Yeah, we get it, you're the best." Oliver rolled his eyes. Isaac shoved him, Oliver shoving back, and soon they were tackling each other in the mud, leaves sticking to their backs as they tried to get the other in a headlock.

"Hey!" Andrew shouted, halting the play-fight. "There's no time for this! We're after the rogues, be prepared for anything!"

Isaac ground his teeth together, desperate to snap back and have a fight with the egotistical alpha, but he wanted the fight to be in a bigger crowd than these dumb girls and Croft. He helped Oliver back to his feet, both angrily brushing the dirt off themselves, giving up on trying to keep their prestigious shoes clean.

Jack rolled her eyes at their antics and kept walking. The others had already walked on ahead, the girls chatting about the jewellery they'd wear and what corsages they were receiving. She couldn't hear Ryan or Andrew from where she was, but she'd guess Ryan was telling his alpha all about Lily and how desperate he was to save her and whatever disgustingly cheesy things he could think of.

"Hey, how was the ice cream parlour yesterday?" Oliver whispered to Isaac, who glared at him again. Jack's head snapped up.

"It was fine - their caramel fudge's good." Isaac whispered back, eyeing up the people in front. Ryan and Andrew were out of earshot, and three of the girls were chatting so loudly that Jack probably couldn't hear them anyway, especially with her normal hearing.

"Oh I hate caramel." Oliver scrunched up his nose. "What did your secret girl eat?"

Isaac rolled his eyes. "She's not my secret girl - and she had strawberries and white chocolate."

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