Chapter 2

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The stars will make you wonder
Wonder how certain things become more beautiful
The farther away you are from them.


"I don't know."

I repeat the three words over and over again trying to comprehend what she means. How can she not know her own name?

" you k...know what ye..year it is?"

She shook her head still looking up at me with so much curiosity in her breathtaking eyes.

How can she not know what year it is? I've been living alone for 5 years and even I was aware of the year.

"What is the last thing you remember." I surprise myself when my voice came out clear this time and I didn't stutter at all.

"The deer."

She must be talking about Jude, but if Jude is the last thing she remembers then that must mean she's lost her memories. She can't remember what happened before she got here.

"Do you know why I'm here?" I was surprised by her question and from the sound of her voice.

"I don't know the answer to that either."

I couldn't keep my eyes off hers, it was like it was trying to pull me in. She suddenly started getting off the bed revealing more and more of herself. I quickly covered my eyes with my hands as my cheeks started heating up again. From what I remember from some of the movies I saw, I think it's not okay to stare at a woman naked not unless she's given you consent.

"Why are you closing your eyes?"I was startled by how close her voice was to me. I could feel her breath fanning against my ear, which didn't fail to send chills down my spine and cause a reaction on my nether regions.

"U..Us..Usually pe...people don't wa.walk aro...around with noo clothes o...on." I lowly cursed at how broken my sentence was.

"You can look now." I warily took a peek through my fingers before heaving a sigh of relief once I saw that she was messily tangled between my bedsheets. I blushed again since in the movies the woman usually were wrapped around in the bedsheets whenever they were done doing the deed, I mentally slapped myself for having such dirty thoughts.

"Ummm si..since don't have an..any clo..thes, wh..why don't you bo...rrow so..some of mi..mine. You co...could a sho..wer over there." I pointed at the bathroom that I just came out of.

She eagerly nodded, her eyes lighting up. She then let go of the bedsheets that covered her and walked over to the bathroom, where I am yet again left a blushing mess.

"Mateo?" she peeked through the door frame. My name sounded beautiful coming out of her lips, I wanted her say it over and over again, but I didn't know why.

"umm yeah?"

"What's a shower?"

I pondered over her question for a second not really sure if she was being serious. She really doesn't remember anything huh?

"I... I could you." I walked over to where she was and tried my best to not look further down than her face.

I turned the shower handle and made sure that the temperature was nice and warm for her.

"A shower is when you go under a stream of water while washing your body, usually while using different types of products." I found that I never stuttered when I wasn't looking at her, so I tried my best to just act like she wasn't standing right behind me, watching through curious eyes as the rain shower let out continuous droplets of water.

HIDDEN GEMOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora