Chapter 9

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It had been five weeks since the two meet Eve. Everyday they looked forward to her visits, almost as much as their lunches at the Ritz. Aziraphale was helping her read better, after freaking out when he learned most of the more difficult books she knew where read to her by her parents. Crowley was also helping her out with her homework, mainly math, as his associates (he) had a hand in making it more complicated than it had to be. She had brought books her father had previously read to her for Aziraphale to read. Crowley had even bought her her own plant in his apartment for her to take care of, having the treo go over more often than ever before.

Eve ran right into the store, her footstep louder than the bell. "I can walk without a crutch," she yelled out into the store. It was last week she had gotten her cadt off, but her leg was still not ready to be walked on. Now with an ankle brace and a week still on a crutch she was walking freely. The duo was once again greeted by the sight of large birth marks on her leg when she no longer had it in plaster.

"This calls for a celebration," the angel declared, clapping his hands in excitement. "Don't you think so dear?"

Crowly almost glared at the angel. The only celebratioms the knee of wrre special things between the two. While he like the child he didn't want her to come between them.

"Can we get a pizza!?" Eve asked in excitement, literally bouncing. The two looking into her pleading, sparkling blue eyes. The two only looked to one another while they knew the big fus that humans had over pizza, neither were in an overly big rush to try it.

Eve let out a loud groan. "Please!" she cried out, "I've been dying for a pizza." The girl threw herself in the ground. "I haven't had on in months," she add this time mumbled by the floor.

Crowley scoffed and bucked the girl off the ground, and throwing her over his shoulders. "You're so dramatic," he commented, hearing her light goglse coming from her as he tried to escape from his grasp.

"I'm alright with pizza," Aziraphale came to his conclusion. The angle came over and took the girl away from the demon, holding her instead.

Crowley smiled and shook his head. "Alright angel," he sighed, Any where on where to go. "

" Enzo's! " Eve yelled, shocking both of them." It's where we'd go every time we'd visit Granny. "

The two looked to one another, with little hesitancy. They then turned to the girl whose eyes were sparkling, and had she not been held up by Aziraphale's arm, would have been bouncing on the balls of her feet.

They closed up the story and headed out. Somehow, with Eve's broken directions, and back tracking, they made it to the restaurant. It was a small hole in the wall place. Bottom floor of a brick building, a small sign, and Ivy growing on the walls. Inside showed it was obviously a famoly owned place. Only a handful of tables, no hostess, and two waiter staff rushing around, with a striking, sibling, resemblance. Eve rushed to an open booth, happily bouncing in theiddle of the seat. Crowley slid in across from her and Aziraphale next to her.

"What do you recommend?" Aziraphale asked Eve, holding up the menu. It was what you expected from an Italian restaurant, pastas, soups, pizzas, salads, and a small desert menu.

Eve looked at the menu, Eve. Though they all knew she could barely understand what any of it said." Meaty Special," she adi pointing to the pizza. The description told of a pizza with a sweet sausage sauce, topped with five different types of cheese, and most meats wanted on a pizza. "Or Pepperoni..." Eve added.

"HI, I'm Bianca," the sister of the waiter duo cam up to the table, handing out three napkins, "I'll be your server today. Is there anything I can get you to drink?" They quickly put in their order, deciding to get a large of Eve's later recommendations, after some debate.

"Any drama happening at school?" Crowley asked the girl who was blowing bubbles into her lemonade.

Eve sat back into the booth and squinted as she thought. "A guy puked during Friday mass," she shrugged, "But he didn't go home. I've heard people call him Puky now."

Aziaphale gasped at the actions of the other students. "You don't call him that, do you Eve?"

She shook her head, gazing up innocently, "I don't really talk to him. He's in another class. I just see him during recess and lunch, oh and mass."

"Shouldn't the nuns do something about it?" the demon questioned, bowing fulky well the girl goes to a Christian school, Church included.

Aziraphale nodded in agreement, "It their role to help and nurture these children, they should do something."

Eve rasberried and shrugged, "They really only teach. They didn't do anything when kids would take my crutch." The girl returned to blowing bubbles into her drink.

Aziraphale and Crowley made eye contact across the table. They ere not happy about what they were hearing. Let alone, who little Eve seemed to care about what she was saying.

Aziraphale put a hand on Eve's head. "Why don't you do anything about this?" ayhe angel questioned her. He'd always been around people, aka angels, who would do the righteous thing for humans.

Eve glared at her soda, far darker than any other expression she had worn before. In tone much dark, and foroegn to her normal, she said, "Cause humans are terrible and will only cause harm. They don't deserve help."

Suddenly her face lit up, and her gaze was away from the table. "Pizza!" she declared as happily as she had been before. She proceeded to softly chant until a steaming slice was on her plate.

A/N -

Sorry for not updating in a while, I was in vacation and had little time to write.

Also, as a warning, I'm American, so if there are things about England, or London, I get wrong, I apologize.

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