Chapter 17

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The children were quick to rush out to the garden. That left the adults alone together. "What is she?" Newton couldn't help but ask out of curiosity. From what the humans saw, they indeed believed the Eve was their daughter. She had the eyes and demeanor of Aziraphale, and the long gate and red hair of Crowley. They also knew better than to question how she came to be, knowing they weren't human, but celestial beings.

That assumption never crossed their minds. They believed the assumptions humans had for two males to adopt would be what was expected, even if they knew they weren't humans. So, as they were themselves, thought they were talking about her costume. "I don't know," Crowley sighed with a shrug, "Never seen anything like it before."

"I think we went a little too far," Aziraphale sighed thinking back to the girl just running around the store with determination in her eyes. "So are you two living together now?" he questioned quickly going to wanting to catch up ith what he could call his friends.

"I never really left," Newt snickered, looking down in embarrassment.

Ananthema nudged him, with a smile on her face. "We talked about going somewhere else, but we like it here," she explained, "It's sorta become our home."

"Isn't that a bit fast?" Crowley questioned, as he took a sip of whatever alcohol he manged to find. "Like you've known each other for, what is it? Three months now."

Both Anathema and Newt grew agrivated by the statement. They had heard similar comments through the three months, and were sick of them. They were in love and enjoyed each other's company, so didn't see a problem withoving in together. Newt though saw a problem in confronting anyone about it. Anathema though, did not.

"Come on," she snapped, "You two should be fine with this sorta stuff. You have a daughter none of us knew about for Pete's sake."

Crowley sighed and leaned against a wall. "It was his idea," he complained, motioning toward Aziraphale.

The angel huffed into a pout. "And you were happy to go along with it."

Anathema and Newt were now questioning how Eve came to be. And frankly, we're disturbed by their own thoughts and depictions. All incorrect to top it off.

Before much else could be said, there were loud thuds on the roof. Causing curiosity and worry to enter the room. Crowley and Aziraphale rushed out, expecting the worst. Of which they were correct.

Eve was staning on top of the roof, a large smile on her face. "I am Shala the queen of Halloween!" she declared in a tone neither of her dads had heard her speak in before. "Show your respect mortal, for I protect you from the other realms."

"Eve," Aziraphale yelled up to his daughter, "Get down this instance." They would have been freaking out, like Newt and Anathema were currently doing, if it had not become a common occurrence. Eve loved climbing things, "like Spiderman", as she would put it. She'd managed to climb to the top of bookshelves in the store more than on one occasion. She'd come home from school with scrapes and brushes from climbing trees during recess. The most frightening happening, right after her getting on the roof, would be the time she knocked over her wardrobe and hit her head on the way down. It didn't stop her from doing it again though.

"Papa," the girl whined, "We're just playing." She threw herself down, frightening the adults that she was falling.

Aziraphale didn't lighten up, "You can play safely on the ground," he told her, giving her the stirn look he'd learned worked to get her to get ready for school.

She pouted, which was a que to her giving into her parent. She crawled to the edge of the roof, showing she was going to get down. Aziraphale approached where she now sat, his arms out, ready to catch her.

Eve unhesitantly leaped down her to her father's arms. Aziraphale gave her a kiss on the forehead and placed her on the ground. She turned to run back to play with the other kids, only to be scooped up by her other father.

"You lost your unsupervised privileges," Crowley told her, as she squirmed in his arms. "You aren't leaving our sights for the rest of the night."

"No," she cried, looking up at her Dad with pleading eyes. "I won't climb anything else. Please let me go."

Not even listening to the girl, the demon just carried her inside, with her throwing a fit.

Aziraphale shifted uncomfortable under all their gazes. "Sorry you had to see that," he apologized, "Eve has a strange habit of climbing onto of things she shouldn't."

"But she flew up there," Adam said a hint of confusion in his voice. They assumed it had been for their game, and related to their costumes.

Aziraphale gave the kid a smile. "I get you were just playing, but what Eve dose is dangerous. We're just keeping her safe."

"How about we all go inside for snacks, Trick-or-treating will start soon," Anathema told them all, ushering the kids inside.

They found Crowley just watching a calm Eve, doing what homework she had left. There wwas a cooky hunting out of her mouth, and crums sticking to her white dress. It was blatantly obvious how the demon camped her down.

"What are you doing?" Wenslydale questioned, peaking at the paper she had on the coffee table. He couldn't recognize it as homework, because compared to what they did, kindergarten assignments were things they would do for fun.

Eve just shrugged. "I gotta draw my favorite animal for class," she explained, half heartedly. The only thing she liked about school was having her dads help her with homework, and they couldn't help her with drawing.

"That's rude, getting homework on a holiday," Pepper complained, "Don't teachers know it won't get done."

Brain shrugged, "I got homework I need to finish tonight. If I don't turn it in tomorrow my grade will go down."

"Wait," Adam inturupted the conversation, "You drew that?" He pointed down at the picture book level drawing of a dog, which looked much like Dog. Eve simply nodded "That's amazing!"

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