Age Fifteen

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A/N: This is it, guys! Last chapter of the prologue before we get to the first official present day chapter. Thank you all for sticking through and waiting with me for the exciting part. I uploaded all of the prologue today, and I'll upload the first chapter tonight, but after that my updates will probably average at about once per week. Remember to comment and vote and let me know how ya feel about what's going on in the story! 

        One Year Ago

        The day you turn sixteen is arguably the biggest day of your life. It's the day you meet your mate, and it may not seem like it, but it changes everything. Right now there are nine adolescents in each pack, and when we start turning sixteen, packs grow smaller and bigger with the occasional transfer we make. The female is expected to leave her pack immediately and join the pack of her mate. Therefore, the year before you turn sixteen is a busy one. 

        Family time, outings with your pack, and self awareness are encouraged to the point that by the time you leave you feel sick and bored even thinking about it. I already feel that way. 

        I practically haven't been allowed to leave the pack house ever since my fifteenth birthday, and when I do it's always to do something with my pack members. I'm tired of watching Laurel read and getting lectured by Sawyer on proper behavior of an alpha's offspring. I'm sick of how anxious and guilty Valentine makes me feel anytime he even glances at me, as if reminding me of the promise he asked of me. Hadley still hates me, like she did on day one, and Maisie is annoying as hell. Uriah and Quintus are rambunctious and have caused more drama and hell in this household than ever before. And I've never liked Jaya. 

        The only other option is this: I knock on my mom's door and walk inside, quickly shutting it behind me. She's sitting at her vanity and applying thick, dark mascara to her eyelashes, but she sees me and sets it down on the tabletop. 

        "Imogen," She smiles warmly at me and walks toward her bed and motions for me to follow her. "What can I do for you, darling?"

        We lay side by side on the cold surface of her sheets, and I turn towards her, "Mom, what did it feel like when you met Dad?" 

        She winks at me, "I thought your dad was an arrogant asshole who had more power than he knew what to do with." 

        I couldn't suppress a laugh at her honest reply, "No, Mom, I mean when you really met him. When you realized that he was your mate." 

        Her eyes seem to glaze over, and a gentle smile graces her lips, "It was like... I met the better half of myself. Touching him felt like fireworks exploding inside of my veins and lighting me up from the inside-out. I couldn't even remember my own name." 

        Tucker. Valentine. 

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