Game Night

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Halley POV

I am currently stressing over game night, I haven't played a board game in nine years. On top of that I not even sure how to 'hangout' with people, in Pakistan my squad and I bonded at the shooting range, figuring out who can disarm a bomb the quickest and wrestling each other. And I can guarantee you right now that none of those people will find any of those activities fun.  I change into a navy short sleeve V-neck that brings out my eyes, I redo my messy bun and head over to Kara's.  I stand outside of her door I hear laughing on the other side.  I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

"It's unlocked!"

I open the door and enter the apartment, what kind of person keeps their door unlocked? As I enter the apartment I see Kara sitting on the ground next to a tall black man and another guy who has dark hair and looks very fragile.  On the couch I see a red haired women with an arm wrapped around a Latina.  To the right of them I see Lena sitting with a wine glass in her hand.  Next to Lena I see a women with short black hair, you have got to be kidding me...


Lucy's head snaps around quick at the sound of her name and she has a huge smile on her face, "Halley!"

The smaller women pounces up of the couch and runs over hugging me.  I hug her back, "I'm honestly not surprised that you are Lucy Kara was referring to earlier."

She pulls away from the embrace laughing, "What can I say I'm a likeable person."

Lucy grabs my arm and pulls me over towards everyone, The red haired woman starting at me with daggers.

"Okay guys so this is my bestfriend Halley."

Everyone gives me a smile and I awkwardly wave.  Lucy introduces me to everyone, the two guys on the ground are James and Winn they work with Kara.  The Latina is Maggie and she is Kara's sister Alex's wife.  Lucy sits back down on the couch and pulls me down with her.  As I hit the couch my gun falls out of my holster.  Alex looks at me,

"Why do you have a gun."

I raise my arms up in defense and Lena snickers, "I swear I'm not a killer or anything I'm ex-military."

Lucy groans and slaps me, "For Lieutenant General you are fucking stupid. Why did you bring a gun to game night?"

I sink into the couch, " I always bring my gun with me wherever I go."

Alex's wife looks at me with curiosity, " It's impressive that someone your age is a Lieutenant General."

" When serving in Pakistan for nine years you have to make correct calls otherwise everyone could die, I was named Lieutenant General for decisions that I wish I didn't have to make."

The room falls silent and Lucy reaches over and squeezes my hand. Lena see's the gesture and clenches her Jaw causing Alex and Maggie to snicker.

Kara speaks up, "Halley was just hired as Lena's head of security."

Lena's face lightens up at the mention of that and laughs, "You should've seen her today, Kara came bursting through the door and in a matter of seconds Halley had her gun out and pointed at Kara while her other arm was holding me back."

Alex shouts and slaps Kara, "How many times do I have to tell you to not enter places without announcing yourself, I wish Halley would've shot you maybe it would teach you a lesson."

Kara pouts which causes us all to laugh.  The Gang decides to play uno, I politely sit out from the game and so does Lena.  I get up off of the couch and walk over to the kitchen. I grab a cup and pour myself some whiskey.  Lena walks over and stands next to me.

" I can tell that its been a while since you have had this kind of social interaction."

I nearly spit out my whiskey, "Is it really that noticeable"

Lena grins, "Yes it unfortunately is, don't worry though I was the same way.  Before I met Kara I was very closed off, growing up as a Luthor made me so.  Everyone hated me for what my brother Lex and my stepmom did.  Everyone except Kara."

I take a sip of my drink and lean against the counter, "Even though I haven't been here in nine years, from what I've read and caught up on you are not a bad person Lena. To hell with what everyone else says, they don't know shit. And don't ever feel as if you have to explain or prove yourself to the world.  There will always be people who will despise you, for now just focus on the ones who care."

Lena blushes and gives me a soft smile in which I return. Her and I turn our attention back to where everyone is playing the game.  Alex and Lucy are currently in a heated argument over a reverse card. I grin at Lucy,

"Luce are you cheating again?"

She gives me a death glare, "You bitch you are suppose to defend me."

"Sorry but I only defend my country." I retort.

Maggie snorts and starts coughing on her drink, "Smooth real smooth."


It's around 12am when everyone decides to head home, before leaving Lena gives me her phone number and so does Alex and Maggie.  As I leave Lucy announces that she is crashing at my place, too tired to protest I just let Lucy stay over. When we get back to my apartment I toss her a shirt and sweatpants to change into. I change into a tank top and shorts.  Lucy goes to sleep on my couch but I yell at her and tell her to come sleep with me.  She slips into my bed and cuddles into my side, I try to fall asleep but can't so I stare up at the ceiling. I feel Lucy move and she wraps her arms around me,

"Are you having trouble sleeping again?"

I nod my head and she sighs, "You can talk to me about it if you want."

I hesitate, what if she hates aliens?

"Do you promise not to tell anyone."

"Of course," she says while yawning.

"I found out that I am half Kryptonian, my mother was General Astra she is Supergirls aunt."

Lucy hugs me, "...I hope you know that I don't give a shit, you are still the same person.  Just a tad cooler since you have powers and are cousins with Supergirl."

I laugh, "You are such an ass."

Lucy grins, "Yeah I am but you still love me."

I slap her which results in her slapping me back.  After a few minutes we both fall asleep.

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