Immediately I drop my glamoured invisibility and saunter over to Sif and Tarna confidently, as if I've no intentions of mischief. As soon as the women spot me, Tarna raises her eyebrows expectantly and Sif scowls. Sif looks as beautiful as always, except for the fact that she has dark bruises around her eyes and a noticeably crooked nose. I'm about to offer to magically heal her, when she turns her narrowed gaze on me.

"Oh you're awake." Sif gestures to a small bucket in her hand, "I suppose I won't be needing this ice water to wake you then."

Tarna frowns in disappointment, "What a shame, I was looking forward to seeing if you could pull it off."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms defiantly, "Puh-lease, like either of you ladies would've been able to slip into my room without me noticing."

Sif glares at me judgmentally, "As I recall, while you were pretending to be Odin you partied so late into the night, that you slept in all afternoon; too hung over to attend to any of your morning duties." 

I puff out my chest, eager to taunt her, "All great rulers must make sacrifices. It's not my fault all the women fought over a place in my bed."

"Too bad you didn't actually get anything useful accomplished." She taunts, her bright red lips curling in obvious disdain.

"Well ruling a Kingdom isn't for everyone I suppose." I remark offhandedly, as if I could care less what she thinks.

"Asgard was never meant to be yours in the first place." She snaps, her words clipped.

I cringe internally, my temperature rising. How dare she! "Ruling Asgard was my birthright." I counter, before grinning wickedly. "Is that a hint of jealousy I detect in your voice Sif?"

"Enough bickering!" Tarna shouts, stomping her foot. "We just came to wake you so we can all have breakfast together before you leave."

I shrug, "I'll pass on whatever you freaks eat for breakfast."

Tarna huffs impatiently, as if unused to having people turn her down and I feel a warm flicker of pride at being the first.

"We're going to give you the details of the next two challenges while we eat, and then you'll be departing immediately afterwards."

Sif glares at me, her expression hard, "That means there's no time to waste on one of your pity parties, spineless trickster."

I bite my tongue, and feign indifference, "Well, as I was already on my way there anyways, I will lead the way." Then to solidify the lie, I give a mock bow and stride in front of them, holding my head high; refusing to let Sif think her words affect me. As I stride down the hall with Tarna and Sif at my heels, hatred grows from a light simmer, to a rolling boil inside me. We could have made an excellent team, but she had to become my enemy and a permanent thorn in my side!

I shove my feelings aside, Ikol! I call in my thoughts, show me what they've been talking about.

Instantly I hear Hoder and Kamilla's voices playing softly in my head; "So, what are two Asgardians doing all the way out here anyways?" I hear Kamilla ask Hoder curiously.

"Excellent question my fair lady!" I roll my eyes as I listen to Hoder's jovial voice. Odin's beard, he's so annoying! He's almost as nauseatingly upbeat and cheerful as Thor, although Hoder certainly has more flair and an annoying knack for showmanship.

"You see, it all started when my brother and sister and I were stationed in Nornheim, sent by Odin to be ambassadors to the Norn Queen, Karnelda." He chuckles, "Of course, now I know that it was Loki who sent me, not Odin. Loki's always been too clever for his own good."

Loki After Endgame: Cheating DeathΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα