When The Day Comes

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(Violet's Pov)

It's been a few weeks since Louis and the others had left, AJ and I had stayed behind in Texas while the others headed to Florida, if they have to move, they'll leave a sign for us. Clementine hasn't returned yet, I'm getting a bit scared but, I have to be strong for AJ, Clem is alive I know it.

"We have to go on another supply run." AJ said as he looked in our bag and I nod a bit as I barricade the door for the night. I handed him one of the apples that was growing in the neighbors' yard and he takes it and looks at me.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I'm fine, we'll find more food tomorrow." I said and he looked at me.

"Where's the knife?" He asked.

"AJ please just eat it, I'm not hungry anyway." I said as I looked at him.

"But you have to eat." He said and I sighed a bit.

"AJ, I know you're looking out for me but I'm fine I promise you that, now please eat the apple." I said and he looked at me and sighs and I chuckle a bit.

"Stubborn just like your mom." I said and he looked at me.

"Clementine is stubborn." He says and we chuckle a bit.

"God, I remember when she didn't want me doing any god damn work at the farm, she wanted to do everything." I mumbled and looked at AJ.

"She didn't let me really do anything." He said and I nodded.

"Well, neither did I to be honest." I said.

"Yea... you're stubborn too." He says and I laugh more.

"Oh yea.... Everyone is stubborn." I said and he nods.

"Why did the others leave? I mean I know they didn't want to stay but, they could have." He says and I look at the wall. It had some of AJ's new drawings hung up and I looked back down at him.

"I made them leave... Ruby didn't want to but they need her more than we do honestly, Louis just didn't want to stay.... He was scared, and the others just I made them leave." I said and he looked at me.

"We'll all be together soon." He says and I nod a bit as we just fall asleep for the night. I woke up to the sound of walkers groaning and banging on the door so I got up a bit and looked to see AJ still asleep and I place the blanket on him more and I looked out the window a bit and saw it was only three walkers. I rubbed my face a bit from sweat dripping down and I move away from the window and I sit back down in my dads' chair. I look at AJ as he slept holding his Disco Broccoli toy, I remember that Clem said she had found it for him when he was around four years old, a year after she had found him.

"God Clem where are you?" I asked myself as I closed my eyes again just to get a few more minutes of sleep. I don't know how long I was asleep but I felt someone shaking me and I open my eyes a bit and see AJ looking at me.

"You ok?" I asked and he nods.

"Yea just... thirsty." He said.

"Oh, ok." I said and slowly got up and I got him some bottled water.

"You never have to ask me for water, you know, that right?" I asked as he drank some.

"But we only have so much." He said and I nodded and thought for a bit.

"Want to know a cool trick?" I asked and he looked at me and I smile as I grab some containers for water and I grab my backpack as I place the containers in. he grabbed his gun and I grab my rifle as we head to the old creek bed by my home, I fill up the containers and so does he and I watch as he sees some frogs and I watch as he tries to catch them.

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