A Sick Day

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(Violets Pov)

-Three Weeks Later-

I looked at Clementine as she shivered a bit in the bed, she was running a bit of a fever and I was next to our bed as I wiped her head gently with a wet rag.

"You shouldn't have played in the rain." I said and she laughed a bit then covered her mouth as she coughed.

"It was fun though.... How you and AJ aren't sick is making me question some things." She says and I look at her.

"Well we didn't stay in the rain as long as you did, Ms. Crazy Woman." I said and she smiles a bit.

"Aww it wasn't that long.... Besides it felt good, like a shower." She says and I nod a bit as I clean her up a bit.

"A freezing cold shower, it was almost sleet by the time you came back in."

"Worth it." She mumbled as she starts to fall asleep. I watch her a bit and place the rag on her head and place another blanket on her so she stays warm at least. It started to snow today so the cold wasn't going to help her at all. I shook my head a bit as I left the room and went to see Omar cooking some soup in the big fireplace, we had built a few weeks back.

"She asleep?" He asked and I nodded.

"She's still cold though gotta keep a closer eye on her." I said and he nodded.

"Well some soup should help, making it how my grandma did, perked me right up." He said and I nodded.

"You need anything from the greenhouse?" I asked.

"Ruby got what we needed." He said and I nodded. We were able to patch some holes in the school so the flames from the fire place could heat up the room a bit. I heard some footsteps and saw AJ coming in with some wood with Louis, Tenn and even Minnie.

"Hey how's Clem?" Louis asked.

"She's doing fine, still sick but better than yesterday." I said and he nodded.

"Course she's gonna be sick for a while she was playing in freezing rain." Minnie said as she placed the wood to the side of the fire place.

"Yea well can you fucking blame her? She never got to play much as a kid." I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

"She played in freezing rain She should have known by now that, that's a death sentence, we don't have much medicine." She said.

"She won't even take the medication." I heard and looked at Ruby as she came over to us.

"So, if you're gonna tell me that she's wasting medical supplies, I'll call you out on that one." Ruby said as she handed Omar some things.

"Clem's been sick before when I was younger, she was scared." I heard AJ say and I looked at him as he drew a bit and I sat next to him.

"Yea being sick and with a kid around is scary." I said to him and he nods. I watch him color with Tenn a bit and we talk just small chat like what he liked about disco broccoli and I told him about old cartoons I use to watch.

"The cat would try and use dynamite to get the mouse?" He asked confused and I chuckled a bit.

"Yea it sounds silly and weird but that was how it was back then, and it was made before I was born too." I said and he nods a bit.

"I should check on Clementine." He said and I stopped him.

"I'll do it, we don't need you getting sick." I said and he nods a bit. I feel bad that he can't be near Clementine but we just don't want him catching a cold. So I got up and headed back up to our room and opened the door and I saw Clementine standing up a bit.

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