Into Town We Go

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(Violets Pov)

I woke up to some soft tapping on my door so I slowly got up and saw that it was still dark out. I got off the bed as I moved Clementine off of me gently. She grabs my pillow again and I smile as I kiss her head gently and head to the door and open it to see Aasim.

"Sorry." He said.

"No it's fine can you watch Minnie so I can get AJ?" I asked and he nods as I go out to AJ's room and I open the door and I see him awake already.

"Hey buddy wanna help me out?" I asked quietly so Tenn and Willy didn't wake up and he looks at me and nods as he comes over.

"Help you with Minnie?" He asked and I thought a bit.

"Or would you like to watch Clem for me?" I asked and he looked a bit in thought.

"I'll help with Minnie, I'll still watch Clem during the day but." He tried to explain and I nod as I help him out his room and take him to where Aasim is.

"You good?" He asked and I nodded as he left to head to bed.

"What do we do?" He asked.

"Just watch, and if she's awake ask some questions I suppose." I said as we get in the room and we see here awake.

"You sleep at all?" I asked and she looks at me.

"Guess not." I mumbled.

"Why'd you bring the kid here?"

"His name is AJ and I asked him if he wanted to so here he is."

"You tell me what I'm doing is wrong yet you're gonna bring a kid in to watch me?" She asked.

"I trust him, besides as long as you don't try anything we're all good." I explained as I sat in the chair and looked at her and AJ sat on the empty bed.

"Besides you're training kids to die in war, he's just trying to protect his mom and family." I said.

"That girl gave birth to him?" She asked.

"That's his mother." I said and she glares at me.

"So you'd rather be with someone who has a kid?" She asked.

"Yea.... AJ's a great kid." I said and she laughed.

"I thought what I saw was a lie but I guess not."

"What did you see?" AJ asked.

"Your mom being a wh-" She tried to say but I stoped her.

"She isn't and don't you dare say anything bad about Clementine, you don't know the shit she's been through." I said and glared at her.

"She has a kid with some random guy and now you're dating her this is bullshit." She said.

"I never said she gave birth to him, just that AJ is her son." I said and she looks at me.

"And it shouldn't matter weather she had or not been AJ's biological parent he is her son either way, she's taken care of him for years." I said and he looks at me.

"So what are you his mom now too?" She asked pissed.

"If he wants me to be sure, if not that's fine I can be a friend." I said and she looks at me.

"You've gotten soft."

"So what?" I didn't care if I've gotten soft, only thing is, if you mess with my people I won't tolerate that shit.

"I wanted to leave your ass on that boat, I wanted you dead after the shit you pulled, I'm willing to kick you out if you so much as look at Clem or AJ funny, I'll even hurt you myself if you so much as lay a finger on them." I threatened and she looks at me.

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