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(Violets Pov)

-One Day-

We walked into the town and got into a drug store, Clementine said that this belonged to Lees family and that the last time she was here was years ago.

"You good to go?" I asked as she looked around the drug store a bit.

"No.... not really." She says and I come up to her as she looks at the cane and picks it up.

"Lee told me that his dad would walk around with this thing a lot." She says.

"Was he sick?" I asked and she chuckled.

"No.... Lee said this cane is better than any guard dog ever was." She said and gripped it a bit and I looked at her.

"I'm surprised this building is still standing." I heard ruby say as she came out the back room.

"Yea." Clem said quietly and the others were outside and I looked to them.

"Haven't seen walkers in a while, besides the few in here..... are they dying off now?" I heard Clem ask herself and I watched her.

"Kinda hard for the living dead to be dying off." Minnie comments as she pokes her head from the window.

"Well, skeletons can't walk around." I said.

"Ok... you have a point." She said.

"Maybe the walkers are finally going away on their own.... But if people just die and turn.... You can't stop it." Clem said and I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Clem look." We heard and saw AJ come out with a remote.

"Haha a tv remote." Louis chuckled and Clem grabbed it gently then went to the back room and I followed her as she set it in the desk.

"I'm gonna guess it belongs there." I said and she nods.

"Yep...was Lee's dads." She says and grabbed the first aid kit.

"You know I cut my finger on this desk.... Didn't know that would be the least of my issues at the time." She says and I nod.


"You ok?" She asked as she looked at me.

"I'm fine." I say and she sits on the desk. I look to the side a bit and look around more.

"You sure?" She asked and I nod.

"You know.... I can tell when you lie." She says.

"Oh? And how's that?" I asked as I came up to her and she crossed her arms.

"You look away from me, can't look me in the eye." She says and laughed a bit and I look at her.

"Eye jokes.... Sorry gotta find some humor with this." She said and pointed to her damaged eye and I look down a bit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't.... I didn't get to you in time." I said.

"You don't need to apologize for that, and don't try to say 'oh but if I got to you in time it wouldn't have happened' bullshit." She says in a mock tone and I looked at her.


"Nope, it would happen even if you came an hour after the kidnapping, trust me I can't keep my mouth shut with people who betray me." She says and I rub my neck.

"Now, if you don't want to talk that's fine, but don't lie and tell me you're ok when you aren't." She says. I look around to make sure we were completely alone and I look at her.

The Walking Dead: Eye for an EyeWhere stories live. Discover now